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 Vesta   添加此单词到默认生词本
=Vehicle for Engineering Scientific Test Activity 科学技术试验用飞行器

    [ noun ]
    1. (Roman mythology) goddess of the hearth and its fire whose flame was tended by vestal virgins; counterpart of Greek Hestia

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the brightest asteroid but the fourth to be discovered

    4. <noun.object>

    Vesta \Ves"ta\, n. [L. Vesta, akin to Gr. ? Vesta, ? the hearth
    of the house, and perhaps to Skr. ush to burn (see East), or
    perhaps to Skr. vas to dwell, and E. was.]
    1. (Rom. Myth.) One of the great divinities of the ancient
    Romans, identical with the Greek Hestia. She was a virgin,
    and the goddess of the hearth; hence, also, of the fire on
    it, and the family round it.

    2. (Astron.) An asteroid, or minor planet, discovered by
    Olbers in 1807.

    3. A wax friction match. --Simmonds.

    1. Important restorations in Rome, such as the Temple of Vesta and Constantine's arch, close to the Colosseum, have been left half-done for lack of funds. Government funding of general maintenance has been more than halved since the mid-1980s.
    2. Vesta said it will raise 500 million Norwegian kroner ($81 million) in fresh capital to replace part of the 1.08 billion kroner ($175.2 million) it was to receive for the sale to Skandia and its Skandia International Holding AB unit.
    3. In Miami, David Duncan, a garrulous arms merchant whose East German weapons were on the Pia Vesta, says he isn't sure anymore about everything that happened.
    4. Although the Pia Vesta is still anchored in Panama, its name continues to pop up in the most peculiar places.
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