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 vested legacy 添加此单词到默认生词本
【法】 既得遗产

    Vested \Vest"ed\, a.
    1. Clothed; robed; wearing vestments. ``The vested priest.''

    2. (Law) Not in a state of contingency or suspension; fixed;
    as, vested rights; vested interests.

    {Vested legacy} (Law), a legacy the right to which commences
    in pr[ae]senti, and does not depend on a contingency; as,
    a legacy to one to be paid when he attains to twenty-one
    years of age is a vested legacy, and if the legatee dies
    before the testator, his representative shall receive it.

    {Vested remainder} (Law), an estate settled, to remain to a
    determined person, after the particular estate is spent.
    --Blackstone. --Kent.

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