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 Tyra Banks 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 泰拉·班克斯

  1. Talk show host Tyra Banks calls herself the Queen of Cheap and keeps perfume samples from magazine ads in her purse for quick touch-ups.
    谈话节目主持人Tyra Banks称自己是便宜货女王,她钱包里还放着从杂志广告中收集的香水样品以便快速补妆。
  2. She was considered a very successful model—she had been on the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition’s cover a dozen times—but she didn’t have a TV show like Heidi Klum or Tyra Banks.
    她仅仅被视为很成功的模特---十几次她都是身着泳装亮相于《体育画报》的封面上,但是她没有像海蒂 克拉姆或提拉 班克斯那样出现在电视片中。
  3. Tyra Banks was among the "body shapers" who influence notions of body image. Banks, who was dubbed fat after she was photographed on the beach, later appeared on her TV talk show in a bathing suit.

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