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 tyranny ['tirәni]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 专制, 暴政

[法] 苛政, 暴政, 专横

    [ noun ]
    1. a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

    2. <noun.group>
    3. dominance through threat of punishment and violence

    4. <noun.state>

    Tyranny \Tyr"an*ny\ (t[i^]r"an*n[y^]), n. [OE. tirannye, OF.
    tirannie, F. tyrannie; cf. It. tirannia; Gr. tyranni`a,
    tyranni`s, L. tyrannis. See {Tyrant}.]
    1. The government or authority of a tyrant; a country
    governed by an absolute ruler; hence, arbitrary or
    despotic exercise of power; exercise of power over
    subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or
    justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government.

    ``Sir,'' would he [Seneca] say, ``an emperor mote
    Be virtuous and hate tyranny.'' --Chaucer.

    2. Cruel government or discipline; as, the tyranny of a

    3. Severity; rigor; inclemency.

    The tyranny of the open night's too rough
    For nature to endure. --Shak.

    1. Authorities detained at least 240 demonstrators in two cities who likened communism to czarist tyranny, and officials jammed U.S.-financed Radio Liberty on Monday as it reported on the protests, activists said.
    2. Those in Romania who are finally resisting Ceausescu tyranny are facing a long, difficult and dangerous task.
    3. Papandreou's autocratic style has triggered charges from opposition conservatives that the Socialists practice "parliamentary tyranny."
    4. What seemed like fiscal prudence to Reagan and Bentsen smacked of tax tyranny to Dan Hawley and his loosely knit band of confederates.
    5. Germany had to free itself from the 'tyranny of the status quo'. Some of these issues were addressed in the latest report on Germany from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
    6. But despite these ideological and geopolitical changes, the FMLN remains as committed to its Marxist revolutionary project as to resisting the Salvadoran military's tyranny.
    7. We will not allow ourselves to fall to the bloody tyranny of the narcoterrorists." The Extraditables, a group linked to the powerful Medellin cocaine cartel, claimed responsibility for the truck bombing at intellegence police heaquarters.
    8. "He's up to his old tricks and he's treating us to the same, tired tap dance of tyranny," Dole said.
    9. The tyranny of the majority is still tyranny. Suppose, for example, that a party dedicated to the physical extermination of a minority were on the verge of being voted into power.
    10. The tyranny of the majority is still tyranny. Suppose, for example, that a party dedicated to the physical extermination of a minority were on the verge of being voted into power.
    11. In the pulpit here at Pieterskerk, one year after peace was restored in Europe, Winston Churchill spoke to the people of Leiden. The allies had triumphed over tyranny.
    12. The pontiff recalled the "cruel tyranny" of Nazism during a meeting with President Waldheim, who has been accused of committing war crimes while serving in Hitler's army.
    13. "The butchers of Beijing have been consolidating their power, increasing tyranny in China, and the administation then goes and sends two of its top people to China," Gejdenson said.
    14. The Khmer Rouge, however, carry an unsurpassed record for Cambodian tyranny.
    15. Once again, the good of liberal democracy triumphs over the evil of self-righteous tyranny.
    16. President-elect Bush said today he would take "a hard new look" at U.S. immigration policies, but he blamed the influx of refugees from Central America on what he called tyranny in leftist-run Nicaragua.
    17. We now have "single parents, special children, brothers and sisters as friends, and the tyranny of the IQ score."
    18. He exercised a mesmeric influence on people, a brutal emotional tyranny that, as Mr. Richardson notes, "was the more effective for being tacit."
    19. "Thirty years of Stalin's tyranny, 20 years of (Leonid) Brezhnev's incompetent rule is long enough to ruin any society, particularly a society that has no democratic traditions," Rybakov said.
    20. Sir, I am not surprised Colin Amery did not like the results of the architectural competitions for the South Bank and Cardiff Bay Opera House (Architecture: 'The tyranny of the few', September 26).
    21. We are here to bury a tyranny," Barrett said.
    22. British newsmen soon established as a fact that the North, under Lincoln's tyranny, was a huge prison from Iowa to New York.
    23. "A night like tonight, a year ago, was the last night of tyranny in Panama.
    24. "We wonder how other parties themselves will react to the American attempt to impose their hegemony and tyranny over the whole world," it said.
    25. Exactly 215 years after revolutionary patriots dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor to protest colonial tyranny, an explorer launched an effort to retrieve them.
    26. She has commissioned research into what the London Evening Standard called the 'tyranny of the well-spoken south over national broadcasting.'
    27. Joe Drodwill stood in cemetery overlooking the sea on Tuesday, remembering the fellow soldiers who fought and died there to free France from Nazi tyranny.
    28. "These bullyings, arrogant approaches and tyranny will not solve the problems.
    29. Freedom from the shackles of high taxes, freedom from the tyranny of inflation, freedom from the burdens of big government. And we wanted freedom from the embarrassment of an America that wore a "kick me" sign on its back.
    30. It is not only the Eritreans but also other Ethiopians who have gripes against the Mengistu tyranny.
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