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 Siamese   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 暹罗的, 非常相似的

n. 暹罗人, 暹罗语

    [ noun ]
    1. a branch of the Tai languages

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a native or inhabitant of Thailand

    4. <noun.person>
    5. an inlet with two or more couplings to which a hose can be attached so that fire engines can pump water into the sprinkler system of a building

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. a slender short-haired blue-eyed breed of cat having a pale coat with dark ears paws face and tail tip

    8. <noun.animal>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or characteristic of Thailand or its people

    2. <adj.pert>
      Siamese kings
      different Thai tribes live in the north
    3. of or relating to the languages of the Thai people

    4. <adj.pert>
      Thai tones
    5. of or relating to Thailand

    6. <adj.pert>
      the Thai border with Laos

    Siamese \Si`a*mese`\, n. sing. & pl.
    1. A native or inhabitant of Siam; pl., the people of Siam.

    2. sing. The language of the Siamese.

    Siamese \Si`a*mese"\, a.
    Of or pertaining to Siam, its native people, or their

    connected \connected\ adj.
    1. p. p. of {connect}. [Narrower terms: {abutting, adjacent,
    adjoining, bordering(prenominal), conterminous,
    coterminous, contiguous}] [Narrower terms: {adjunctive}]
    [Narrower terms: {affined}] [Narrower terms: {attached}]
    [Narrower terms: {contiguous, in contact}] [Narrower
    terms: {coupled, joined, linked}] [Narrower terms:
    {cursive, flowing}] [Narrower terms: {siamese}] [Narrower
    terms: {socially connected, well-connected}] {unconnected}
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. being joined in close association.

    Syn: affiliated, attached.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    3. connected by a conductor so as to allow the flow of
    electric signals. [Narrower terms: {wired (vs. wireless)}]
    WordNet 1.5]

    4. (Music) legato. {staccato}

    Syn: flowing, smooth.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    5. associated with or accompanying.

    Syn: associated.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    6. (Computers) stored in, controlled by, or in direct
    communication with a central computer. [Narrower terms:
    {on-line (vs. off-line), online, on line(predicate)}]

    Syn: machine-accessible.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    7. switched on. [Narrower terms: {on-line (vs. off-line),
    online, on line(predicate)}]

    Syn: ready, on.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    8. having some relation.

    Syn: related.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Two 7-year-old Siamese twins were in satisfactory condition today after their separation in a 14-hour operation a day earlier in Vietnam, a Japanese Red Cross official said.
    2. One of the Siamese twins surgically separated last week at the chest and abdomen has died, a hospital spokeswoman said.
    3. Doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital said Thursday they were encouraged by the rapid recovery of Patrick Binder, one of the Siamese twins separated during a long operation in September.
    4. Most surviving Siamese twins are happy to stay joined, but these two have distinct internal organs and might survive the operation. It is 30 years since the death of Marilyn Monroe.
    5. Yolunda Florence, the Siamese twins' 20-year-old mother, said the girls recently caught pneumonia.
    6. Doctors gave Siamese twins a 50% chance of survival after separating the 7-month-olds' skulls at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.
    7. Mr. Kapor decided to become his Siamese twin in managing the project.
    8. Making the giants Fasolt and Fafner into Siamese twins who share a suit is one such.
    9. The 7-year-old Vietnamese boys are believed to be the oldest Siamese twins ever separated.
    10. It was believed the first separation of Siamese twins who had been joined for more than seven years.
    11. In 1829, Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker arrived in Boston aboard the ship Sachem to be exhibited to the Western world.
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