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 Sian   添加此单词到默认生词本
['ʃi:'ɑ:n, ʃjɑ:n]

    [ noun ]
    a city of central China; capital of ancient Chinese empire 221-206 BC

    1. The full-page advertisement containing a letter from James Fu Chiao Sian, press secretary to Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, will appear in next week's issue, the Review said in a statement.
    2. For the answer I turned to Sian Cox, a woman who was the finest receptionist I employed in my previous career as a restaurateur.
    3. This was a meeting of minds, for neither Miss Little nor Sian Edwards is a musician who likes to deal in uncertainties, and the concerto came across with bold conviction. Completed in 1939, the work caught Britten at the apex of his dazzling early powers.
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