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 Rafale   添加此单词到默认生词本
[rɑ:'fɑ:l, rә'fæl]
[军] (“阵风”) 21世纪法国海空军的主力战斗机
<法>[军](大炮的)迅猛射击, 隆隆鼓声

    1. The Rafale project is the result of France's inability jointly to develop a plane with other countries, and French officials question whether the state can continue paying for expensive independent programs.
    2. The DGA is currently deciding how many different versions of Avions Marcel Dassault's new Rafale fighter should be produced, in response to requests for five different models from the air force and navy.
    3. It is separate from the troubled four-nation European Fighter Aircraft (EFA) and France's Rafale, the two new fighter projects in which both companies are separately involved.
    4. But Saturday night the American naval flyers warmly congratulated the Rafale's test pilot when he joined the party to help cut the huge red, white and blue Saratoga shaped cake.
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