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 Rafferty ['ræfəti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. <澳新俚>完全不讲章法的,混乱的, 无组织的

    1. Mr. Rafferty was hired to direct the consulting operations of Nynex's newly acquired Telco Research unit in the spring of 1986.
    2. That practice has stopped, Mr. Rafferty says.
    3. "We found we compared very favorably with other traditional areas of venture capital in three respects," says Raymond R. Rafferty Jr., an attorney who participated in the study and now general partner of Meridian Venture Partners.
    4. By the latter, Mr. Rafferty means the city already could boast a few successful start-ups.
    5. "I had just gotten here and they were rocking the bridge," Rafferty said. "We thought it was kind of fun and it scared some people.
    6. John Rafferty, a New York City lifeguard, said he will enter the water only when his job requires it.
    7. "Recycling has been billed as easy to do and free," Mr. Rafferty says.
    8. Mr. Rafferty said having to pre-sell the homes has thrown Thompson Development 150 homes off schedule in a subdivision of 1,747 planned homes.
    9. In Minneapolis, "recycling is becoming less popular," says Mr. Rafferty, the city official, because residents heard that their newspapers were going to a landfill anyway because of the paper market's collapse.
    10. The New York Attorney General's office supported Mr. Rafferty's conclusions.
    11. Police went there and arrested Rudolph Montoya, 19, who fit the description of the man who spoke with Ms. Rafferty.
    12. The Rafferty and Alameda dams will regulate the flow of water on the flood-prone Souris River, which flows from southeastern Saskatchewan across the Canada-U.S. border into North Dakota and loops north into Manitoba.
    13. Mr. Rafferty will hold the title of vice president.
    14. "If General Phillippi or any of the generals called me and said they knew a man who would make a good Guardsman, I'd prick my ears," said Rafferty, "because they only sent the highest quality young man.
    15. "Adam Gopnik on art, Mimi Kramer on theater, Terrence Rafferty on books and the principal long-fact piece by Raymond Bonner."
    16. On Monday, police said, Diane Rafferty was working at the shop called Birds of a Higher Feather in Mineola when two men entered. She told police one of the men engaged her in conversation while the other apparently took a white Soffin cockatoo.
    17. "What is there to be proud of?" scoffed Councilman Francis W. Rafferty.
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