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 Olivia ['ɔliviə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 奥利维亚(女子名)

    1. When the 487 delegates assemble this time in the same Olivia Sports Hall in the Baltic port of Gdansk, Solidarity's birthplace, they will be joined by Mazowiecki and other government and parliamentary leaders from the union's ranks.
    2. Blanchard, 48, replaced Griffiths with Olivia Maynard, 54, director of the state Office of Services to the Aging.
    3. "I Can't Help It," 1980, duet with Olivia Newton John, No. 12.
    4. So far, raising Olivia is on a par with the best of them, she says.
    5. Others followed suit, among them Olivia de Havilland and Meryl Streep.
    6. Ms. Talley scolded Olivia, who sat quietly on the lap of her grandmother Jill Fitchett.
    7. The chic neighborhood's 20,000 residents include such high-profile personalities as Johnny Carson, Michael Landon, Martin Sheen, Shirley MacLaine and Olivia Newton-John.
    8. The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences announced the nominations at a Beverly Hilton Hotel press conference hosted by singer Olivia Newton-John and producer Quincy Jones.
    9. For Olivia Bermudez, who quit her local race in December, "the Contra connection" was the last straw.
    10. Maria Olivia Berrios crossed three countries, begged for food and avoided cops and robbers as she and her 16-year-old nephew, Facto Aristes, fled El Salvador.
    11. Olivia Hagadone, chairwoman of the county's Museum Board, said the clocks were supposed to be installed to mark the state's centennial last year.
    12. Olivia Forsyth, 28, was held captive by the African National Congress for 22 months before she fled in May to the British Embassy in Luanda, Angola.
    13. The tragedies began: Baby Theo was hit by a New York taxi and nearly died; young Olivia died suddenly of measles.
    14. Kevin's mom (Alley Mills) scolds his sister (Olivia D'Abo) for not being home in time to help out with dinner, and she replies, "Wow, mom, you have so much bad karma in your life."
    15. Entertainer Olivia Newton-John has been named goodwill ambassador for the United Nations' Environment Program, a move aimed at calling attention to concerns for global warming and pollution.
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