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 Ollie   添加此单词到默认生词本
奥利(男子名, Oliver 的昵称)

    1. She chastised Sen. William Cohen (R., Maine) for not giving Ollie North immunity if what Congress really wants is to find out what happened.
    2. "Ollie is terrific for the movies," says one young officer, "but he's an embarrassment to the Corps."
    3. One voice shouted over the crowd, "Ollie North, you're a hero!" and the ex-Marine lieutenant colonel could be seen through the van's dark-tinted windows smiling.
    4. It is a lot safer to rail endlessly against the Reagan obstruction of justice than to go up against war hero Ollie North before a nationwide TV audience.
    5. He warned that release of the documents from Ollie North's office could expose "people in very difficult situations to torture and death."
    6. The caption: "'Tis the season to be Ollie."
    7. Support ebbed because the administration made little effort to sustain Ollie North's achievement.
    8. "One could hardly say this was a jury that had it in for Ollie North," Ben-Veniste said.
    9. As House Majority Leader Thomas Foley of Washington says, the Ollie Show has been "terrific on charisma but awful on civics."
    10. "Ollie (Col. North) was excluded and the private effort was to be suspended," said an official familiar with Mr. Reagan's directive.
    11. Two independents muddy the 'character' war between Chuck Robb, the incumbent, two-term senator whose confessed extramarital sex life has left him open to criticism, and Ollie North.
    12. "I'm sorry, Ollie," the friend said.
    13. Mr. Sheehan's book, "A Bright and Shining Lie," is cast as a biography of John Paul Vann, the Ollie North of his day.
    14. Says Ollie Bryant, director of financial aid for New York University, "We make assumptions that every family's spending patterns are the same and that every family is willing to make a sacrifice, and that just isn't true."
    15. Ollie North is a natural-born braggart.
    16. That included a woman in shorts who ran over to him holding up an Ollie North T-shirt and telling him he was her hero.
    17. Consider the man identified in The Wall Street Journal as "the biggest leaker in this administration," Ollie North himself.
    18. "The experts told me that if I had any chance of winning, I had to shave my beard and stay away from Ollie North.
    19. Following the basic line worked out at the White House, Mr. Meese used the news conference to portray Ollie North as Rasputin to a hapless president.
    20. "The issue isn't whether Ollie North is innocent or guilty; it's whether the president and his staff are above the law," said the group's president, Arthur J. Kropp.
    21. About 60 people from four area peace activist groups, carrying signs that read "Ollie Not for President" and "Real Heroes Don't Lie," demonstrated in downtown Lynchburg against North's appearance at the ceremony.
    22. Mad Magazine caricaturist Mort Drucker was named best cartoonist and, enjoying the success of his Ollie North and Ronald Reagan Coloring Books, also won the special features award at Saturday night's annual awards ceremony.
    23. Fran Allison, the warmhearted foil for two goofy puppets in TV's "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" show and pioneer for some of today's most popular children's programs, has died at the age of 81.
    24. George S. Patton got a real movie, Ollie North a TV movie.
    25. I can't comment on the Ollie North that's been over there since 1981 because he didn't belong to me.
    26. That Ollie North is an outstanding career officer with an outstanding record.
    27. But it's not clear which Ollie North the skeptical public will see on their television screens.
    28. Reagan also said that granting pardons for either man would have left them "forever after with that guilt hanging over them." North was greeted by cheers and chanting of "Ollie!
    29. "I think Ollie is getting a bum rap out of all this," said Steve Bridgett of Greenville, Ill., who said he belonged to no political organization.
    30. The Ollie North Show was tailor-made for television, and the networks turned it into a sporting event with breathless reports of knockout punches, slam-dunks and home runs.
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