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 Maginot   添加此单词到默认生词本
马其诺(Andre, 1877-1932, 法国政治家, 曾于1922-1931期间4次出任法国陆军部长)

    [ noun ]
    French politician who proposed the Maginot Line (1877-1932)

    1. France relied on the Maginot Line along the German border, a static defense system based on the tactics of World War I. The tanks of German panzer divisions swept around the northern end into France by cutting through the Ardennes forest.
    2. James Holland, an infantryman in the war, said he was awarded the Purple Heart after being wounded near the Maginot Line in France in late 1944.
    3. Nor, in this context, does European Commission president Jacques Delors' recent warning that France is in danger of building itself a 'Maginot line' against Gatt, with about as much utility as that second world war defence.
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