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 magistral ['mædʒistrәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 教师的, 长官的, 主要的

[医] 按方配制的

    Magistral \Mag"is*tral\, a. [L. magistralis: cf. F. magistral.
    See {Magistrate}.]
    1. Pertaining to a master; magisterial; authoritative;

    2. Commanded or prescribed by a magister, esp. by a doctor;
    hence, effectual; sovereign; as, a magistral sirup. ``Some
    magistral opiate.'' --Bacon.

    3. (Pharmacy) Formulated extemporaneously, or for a special
    case; -- opposed to {officinal}, and said of prescriptions
    and medicines. --Dunglison.

    {Magistral line} (Fort.), the guiding line, or outline, by
    which the form of the work is determined. It is usually
    the crest line of the parapet in fieldworks, or the top
    line of the escarp in permanent fortifications.

    Magistral \Mag"is*tral\, n.
    1. (Med.) A sovereign medicine or remedy. [Obs.] --Burton.

    2. (Fort.) A magistral line.

    3. (Metal.) Powdered copper pyrites used in the amalgamation
    of ores of silver, as at the Spanish mines of Mexico and
    South America.

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