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 Hutton   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ noun ]
    1. English cricketer (1916-1990)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. Scottish geologist who described the processes that have shaped the surface of the earth (1726-1797)

    4. <noun.person>

    1. Inventory rebuilding, capital spending, and stable consumer demand will continue to keep the economy growing, says Michael Sherman, chief investment strategist at Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
    2. DETAILS are still coming in of special offers on dealing commissions for BT3 shares after the sell-off next month, writes Bethan Hutton.
    3. Some things don't change, says a Hutton survivor: When the market is rocky, "it hurts at Hutton, it hurts at Shearson."
    4. Some things don't change, says a Hutton survivor: When the market is rocky, "it hurts at Hutton, it hurts at Shearson."
    5. A spokeswoman for Shearson Lehman Hutton said the merged firms won't be hurt by the matter, which involves the sale of municipal bonds in the early 1980s.
    6. The book, titled "The Hutton Neighborhood Coloring Book," included such sayings as, "We're no longer the nicest house on the block."
    7. Mr. Geran of E.F. Hutton predicted that despite a "tough environment," the company will continue to be profitable.
    8. That report is expected to show the nation's cattle herd as of Jan. 1 at its lowest level since 1960, said Charles Levitt, senior livestock analyst with Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. in Chicago.
    9. It also said 1987 bonuses were slashed an average of 25 percent to 50 percent, Shearson Lehman Hutton levied cutbacks of between 25 percent and 50 percent in some areas and about 80 percent of Smith Barney's managing directors took pay cuts.
    10. The company's ratio of debt to total capitalization would leap to 70% from 29% if the restructuring goes through, according to Phua K. Young, an analyst with Shearson Lehman Hutton.
    11. Now, Henley "will have to get over half the other public stockholders to vote with them" to win any board positions, said Burton M. Strauss, an analyst with Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
    12. Mr. Friedman had been executive vice president and general counsel of E.F. Hutton Group Inc.
    13. Analyst Joseph Phillippi of Shearson Lehman Hutton of New York said some of Chrysler's increase came because of lower incentive costs during the period this year.
    14. Hutton now intends to let the market dictate the price of the bonds, Mr. Rittereiser said, adding that most of the bonds will trade above par and pose no risk to clients.
    15. Ms. Garzarelli, a market analyst at Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc., won a small measure of fame last October when the mutual fund she manages, Sector Analysis Portfolio, was one of the few stock funds to post a gain the week of the crash.
    16. "Times Co.'s regional daily newspapers are holding up well, but there is little sign that things will improve in the New York market," said Alan Kassan, an analyst with Shearson Lehman Hutton.
    17. "The pressure is always there" to give favorable ratings, says Jack Rivkin, director of research for Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
    18. Senior Hutton officials say that Mr. Fomon insisted that Hutton hire some of his lady friends, and Mr. Fomon concedes that he hired five or six young women at Hutton.
    19. Senior Hutton officials say that Mr. Fomon insisted that Hutton hire some of his lady friends, and Mr. Fomon concedes that he hired five or six young women at Hutton.
    20. Senior Hutton officials say that Mr. Fomon insisted that Hutton hire some of his lady friends, and Mr. Fomon concedes that he hired five or six young women at Hutton.
    21. "This is a very positive sign that management is moving aggressively and will stop at nothing to get back on track," said Stephen Balog, a Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. analyst.
    22. "You have one group of investors that sees inflation tapping at the door," says Frank Kelly, an E.F. Hutton trader, "while the other sees recession around the corner."
    23. In December 1985, Merrill Lynch wooed him from Hutton with a $100,000 bonus and superstar treatment.
    24. Even without the provisions, Hutton said, it would have had a profit of only $617,000 in the quarter.
    25. "The market needs more and more to feed itself," said Arthur Parrish, a grain analyst at Shearson Lehman Hutton, New York.
    26. Shearson Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. said Wednesday that first-quarter earnings rose slightly and revenue jumped 47 percent, which the brokerage giant attributed partly to its post-crash purchase of E.F. Hutton Group Inc.
    27. Rumors about E.F. Hutton, which last month rejected a merger with Shearson Lehman, began swirling again yesterday, and the stock moved up 7/8 to 40 5/8.
    28. Mr. Fomon would often race up to the Hutton executive floor in the morning to borrow a few dollars to pay the cab driver waiting downstairs.
    29. Ethel Scull, 67, claimed she lost thousands of dollars in the October 1987 stock market crash by following tips of broker Charles Lewis, a Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. vice president.
    30. Elaine Garzarelli, head of sector analysis at Shearson Lehman Hutton, dismisses lingering fears among some investors that with stock prices at all-time highs, another crash is likely.
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