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 Huxleys anastomosis 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Thought for Today: "Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision." _ Aldous Huxley, English author and critic (1894-1963).
    2. "Horse Feathers" takes us to Huxley College, a school so desperate for a winning football season that it names Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff as its president.
    3. It conjures up images of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, where the social and genetic conditioning was so absolute that even the subhuman 'deltas' were perfectly content with their menial lot.
    4. They were built as statements of belief when doubt was already on the increase - intellectually with Darwin and Huxley, and socially among the toiling urban masses to whom religion was irrelevant.
    5. They include Proust, EM Forster, Aldous Huxley and JB Priestley. Here we are with the elderly music teacher at a school in the Midlands. His son is a cellist of renown whose mistress is an opera star.
    6. The Aldous Huxley stories I heard were good magazine stories, no more. Of course there were good magazines then, where informed stories about the arts might be expected.
    7. Heard appears as the mystic Propter in Huxley's novel After Many a Summer (1939).
    8. ONE of Aldous Huxley's characters says: 'No publisher would ever publish a first novel if he could possibly avoid it.'
    9. To dramatize such fears, dystopian literature flourished and reached an apotheosis of sorts in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," which depicted an ominous society of genetic manipulation and drug-hazed consumerism.
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