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 Hiroshima [ˌhirə'ʃi:mə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 广岛

    [ noun ]
    a port city on the southwestern coast of Honshu in Japan; on August 6, 1945 Hiroshima was almost completely destroyed by the first atomic bomb dropped on a populated area

    1. Twenty kilotons, the force of 20,000 tons of TNT, was the yield of the U.S. atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.
    2. Six in 10 poll respondents said the Hiroshima bombing, in which death estimates run as high as 200,000, was the right thing to do. Seventy percent of the men in the survey supported the bombing; half the women agreed.
    3. NUCLEAR TV _ Aaron Spelling's first TV movie for CBS will tell the true story of the events of the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II.
    4. Meanwhile, Paul Tibbetts Jr., the man who flew that plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, said he had no qualms about the mission that killed about 140,000 people.
    5. How, he demands emotionally, could Americans have murdered so many innocent Japanese civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
    6. Anti-nuclear activists marked the 44th anniversary Sunday of the bombing of Hiroshima with peaceful demonstrations at U.S. weapons facilities, including an attempt by an estimated 3,530 people to surround a Colorado plant.
    7. "We strongly feel the duty to use Hiroshima to sound an alarm bell for the future of all humanity.
    8. The memorial was dedicated to the 2,000 members of the 509th Composite Group, and the nearly 200,000 people who died in the atomic blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    9. In 1985, the Soviet Union announced a unilateral nuclear test moratorium that began on Aug. 6, the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
    10. On Wednesday, state Supreme Court Justice Kenneth Rohl set bail for Hazelwood at $1 million bond or $500,000 cash, comparing the effect of the ship's oil spill in Alaska to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
    11. The detonation beneath this picturesque, 7,500-foot mesa had 12 times the force of the Hiroshima bomb.
    12. The 14-foot long SRAM-A is an air-to-surface missile armed with the W-69 nuclear warhead with an estimated explosive yield equivalent to 170,000 tons of TNT, which is 11 to 13 times the power of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
    13. I think if people just put away their prejudices, we can really come back again." The 45th anniversary of Hiroshima is commemorated Monday with an NBC drama that tells of personal tragedies suffered in the first city destroyed by a nuclear bomb.
    14. The device will be able to bombard objects with energy as strong as 600 kiloton blasts _ 30 times the power of the bomb that devastated Hiroshima.
    15. The blast had the force of 10,000 tons of TNT, half as strong as the A-bomb that fell on Hiroshima, said Gen.
    16. "We have a man-made destruction that has not been equaled, probably, since Hiroshima." _ Judge Kenneth Rohl explaining his decision to set bail at $1 million for Capt.
    17. That's because Mazda builds the rear-wheel-drive Miata on the same Hiroshima assembly line as four other vehicles, including a front-wheel-drive subcompact and a minivan.
    18. The U.S. bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had a force of 19,000 ton of TNT.
    19. That was the name of the game." The bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed or injured 160,000, but Tibbets said the loss of life would have been much greater if the United States had been forced to invade the Japanese mainland.
    20. Nearly 200,000 people died in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the world's only atomic attacks, during World War II.
    21. The United Nations takes tour groups past display cases of remnants from Hiroshima, such as charred clothing, melted coins and fused crockery.
    22. The subject of all this attention is a single, 36-year-old farmer's daughter from Hiroshima.
    23. Yukio Kato was slashed in the neck during the filming of the traditional Japanese movie on Monday, said Hiroshima Prefectural Police.
    24. Protest leader Ichiro Moritaki said about 150 people demonstrated in silence for an hour in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, protesting nuclear tests this past week by France and the Soviet Union.
    25. The links between cancer and high levels of radiation are better documented, most convincingly in studies of 50,000 survivors of the atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    26. That is about 50 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
    27. Hiroshima, a stadium band, had little to do with jazz.
    28. As a result, an independent supported by the LDP, Mr Yuzan Fujita, a former member of the upper house of parliament for Hiroshima, won the election by a big margin.
    29. United Nations holds second conference on disarmament issues in Hiroshima (until May 27).
    30. A coalition of peace groups issued a statement criticizing Japan for its role in the war and accusing the city's atom bomb museum of neglecting Koreans who were living in Hiroshima and died in the blast.
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