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 Hirschfelds disease 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. He called Hirschfeld "the best friend a man can have." He also said he had never heard Hirschfeld imitate his voice and didn't know whether he could.
    2. He called Hirschfeld "the best friend a man can have." He also said he had never heard Hirschfeld imitate his voice and didn't know whether he could.
    3. "In my opinion, the most powerful weapon a person can have is spitting," Hirschfeld, a wealthy former New York political gadfly, said at a news conference. "You have to defend yourself.
    4. "It's the little things that help develop the character in a drawing," Hirschfeld explains. "Some simple little thing, like the way a fellow holds his hand or his cigarette.
    5. TA Associates is a private equity investment firm with offices in Boston and Palo Alto, Calif. The management group is led by William Hirschfeld, Midlantic Home Mortgage's president and chief executive officer.
    6. Hirschfeld says he does no research before beginning to sketch a new show.
    7. On a slanted and well-worn drawing table perched in front of the barber chair, Hirschfeld opens a large sketch book.
    8. He knows about foreign policy?" Milton Coleman, an assistant managing editor at the Washington Post, said Saturday that Hirschfeld had told a Post reporter that she would be allowed to interview Ali face to face.
    9. Margo Feiden, whose New York galleries house several of the works in the exhibit, said Hirschfeld is doing his best work now.
    10. Hirschfeld was an attorney in that lawsuit.
    11. Hirschfeld was sitting in a barber chair in his studio on the top floor of an East Side brownstone where he has lived for more than 40 years with his wife, Dolly.
    12. Hirschfeld calls his job "a lemming profession," one which apparently has no future, and says there are very few outlets for his kind of work.
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