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 Heys hernia 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "Hey, I can still do it," she said. "I'm not even going to think it won't happen because it will.
    2. "Hey, Pittsburgh, it's been a long time," guitarist Keith Richards said Wednesday night as 63,000 jammed Three Rivers Stadium for the hard rockers' first Pittsburgh concert since 1972.
    3. "I think it would be fun for a collector to be able to say: 'Hey, want to know who used to own this chair?'"
    4. We're saying, 'Hey, Volkswagen is out there making cars that you should consider.
    5. Hey said a parachute attached to the shell failed to open and the shell penetrated the Earth instead of floating gently to the ground.
    6. "Hey, ho, Chancellor Joe, racism has got to go" was chanted by students, who were held back by black students linking arms to clear a path for Duffey as he walked toward the building.
    7. One carried a sign saying "Hey Mike, thanks for the weekend." Democratic vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen stood in a downtown ballroom, on courthouse steps and at a shuffleboard court _ in three different cities _ to deliver the same message.
    8. "Hey man, what's up?" is the American-style greeting on the streets, thickened by the Liberian accents of natives whose tonal dialects make the expression difficult to understand.
    9. Aug. 28 The Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel on profiting from the drought: "Hey, haven't you heard about the drought?"
    10. "It's something you know about and if you see it in a store, it reminds you, 'Hey, I will want one of those.'"
    11. One lyric goes: "And if you take some innocent lives, that's when the fur really flies, "Hey man, back off and get smart, don't give us a reason.
    12. And songs like "Ride 'Em Cowboy" and "Hey, Could I Have Your Autograph?" bore the pants off me.
    13. "He's saying, 'Hey, I fell in love with an independent, financially secure woman and you're changing the ground rules,'" Ms. Kenny says.
    14. "Hey guys, I got somethin' to make us feel real good," the ghost says, holding up some crack.
    15. Hey, isn't that Robert DeNiro?
    16. Hey, guys, in the words of a famous philosopher, sit on it.
    17. Hey, can you tell this is my kid I'm talking about?"
    18. "Hey," she says, "that's the American way."
    19. Several dozen protesters greeted the vice president with banners that read "Hey Dan, Should I Join The National Guard?"
    20. One regular feature dubbed "Hey Babe, What's Your Sign?" interviews women on the do's and don't's of making a good impression on the first date.
    21. Every time Republican Senate candidate Connie Mack hits television viewers with one of his "Hey Buddy, You're Liberal!" commercials, Democratic rival Buddy MacKay winces and moves a little further away from Michael Dukakis.
    22. Re your April 5 profile on me: Hey, thanks for the front-page story, fellows.
    23. Hey, here comes Congress, though the ranks seem a little thin.
    24. And so, I am not going to dwell on them because tomorrow it may be very different, and then I'll have to constantly say, "Hey, wait a minute." Q: (Inaudible) _ along for one more question?
    25. But the statue of John Wayne has returned to the Hoka Hey Fine Arts Foundry and Gallery near Dublin, southwest of Fort Worth, only for cosmetic reasons.
    26. Hey, says Beckett, "when the time comes we're all just fertilizer." In a way, this body-bag show is the most explicit spelling out of a theme that runs through the "Beach."
    27. In less than a week various bits of Warburgs, James Capel and UBS have sent out research with the same heading - Whitewater Rafting. Hey guys, let's show a bit more creativity.
    28. Other recordings were "Love Me or Leave Me" and "That Old Black Magic" (1955), "Hey There" (1954) and "What Kind of Fool Am I" (1962).
    29. A. Hey listen, I'm a member of the NRA.
    30. In 1969, when the late Fung King Hey founded a predecessor company of Sun Hung Kai as one of the first local brokerage houses in Hong Kong, the colony was booming.
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