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 Hezbollah   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran; seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon; car bombs are the signature weapon

    1. In a statement, Amal accused Hezbollah's fighters of booby-trapping corpses in Jarjou.
    2. Amal has charged that Hezbollah masterminded Higgins' abduction to undermine Amal's control of south Lebanon.
    3. Because of this integration, Hezbollah has been able to penetrate the other local forces.
    4. Most of the troops in the south sympathize with the Syrian-backed Shiite Amal militia, which has been fighting with the fundamentalist, Iranian-backed Hezbollah, or Party of God, since mid-1987.
    5. A Canadian Protestant clergyman arrived Friday seeking to deliver a petition from a Christian human rights group to Hezbollah.
    6. Hezbollah is believed to be an umbrella group for Shiite extremists who hold most of the 16 Westerners missing in Lebanon. Some of the hostages have been reported held in the Bekaa at various times.
    7. A separate statement by the group said the guerrilla squad was retaliating for Israeli air raids Friday on Palestinian bases and positions of the pro-Iranian Shiite Moslem Hezbollah, or Party of God.
    8. An Amal official conceded that his movement's fighters had been driven out of four villages in a surprise pre-dawn Hezbollah assault.
    9. Recent visits to Iran by Sheik Mohammed Fadlallah, spiritual leader of Hezbollah, don't suggest a lessening of contact between the two, he says.
    10. By police count, 561 people have been killed and 1,554 wounded since Amal and Hezbollah began fighting in Beirut and south Lebanon last April for dominance of Lebanon's 1.2 million Shiites.
    11. The Syrians set up checkpoints on key intersections in the three neighborhoods, apparently to prevent an attack on Hezbollah's hideouts.
    12. But in conversation with the women of Hezbollah visiting Tehran, a rather different picture emerged.
    13. An Amal spokesman said privately the three "were axed to death after they were taken prisoner by Hezbollah." Brig. Gen.
    14. In Lebanon, a senior Hezbollah official called for the release of all Western hostages and Lebanese detainees held by Israel, reiterating the pro-Iranian group's standard posture that it is not involved in kidnappings.
    15. A second column of Israeli tanks and infantry backed up by helicopter gunships fought a short but fierce gunbattle with Hezbollah guerrillas dug into the abandoned village of Maydoun, 12 miles north of Israel's border.
    16. A police spokesman said members of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, or Party of God, opened fire on the bus in the Ouzai district in the southern outskirts of the capital as the vehicle headed toward south Lebanon.
    17. The mainstream Amal militia, supported by Syria, has been fighting the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, or Party of God, for control of Lebanon's 1.2 million Shiites.
    18. Intelligence sources said a possible target for American planes or missiles is the Sheikh Abdullah barracks in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, which is used by Iranian revolutionary guards and by members of the Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah.
    19. Police estimated Hezbollah's fighting force at 3,000 men.
    20. Hezbollah belongs to Islamic Resistance.
    21. The peace accord emerged from the meeting between Velayati, Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Sharaa and Amal and Hezbollah leaders.
    22. Druse leader Walid Jumblatt said that the Hezbollah group apparently is holding Anglican envoy Terry Waite in Lebanon and that he had tried to negotiate Waite's release several weeks ago.
    23. Hamadi denied last week that he had been a member of Hezbollah.
    24. That would be the first time Syrian troops actually have entered the suburbs, where Hezbollah has been holding 22 foreign hostages.
    25. Hezbollah earlier accused Amal of shelling its positions in the villages of Jabal Safi, Mlita and Luweizeh with artillery and rockets.
    26. Most of the 15 foreign hostages in Lebanon are believed to be in the southern suburbs, Hezbollah's stronghold.
    27. Amal and Hezbollah have been locked in a struggle for control of Lebanon's 1 million Shiites, the country's largest single sect, since last April.
    28. The guerrillas are members of the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah, or Party of God.
    29. Israeli news reports today said 40 guerrillas of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah were killed and about 30 wounded in those raids.
    30. But a police spokesman said: "Hezbollah is not withdrawing despite the enormous pressure.
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