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 Fontainebleau   添加此单词到默认生词本
枫丹白露 [法国北部城镇](在巴黎东南, 有著名的宫殿)

    1. As the finale swung into full force Sunday night, a steady stream of stars in sparkling jewels and dresses began arriving at the Fontainebleau Hilton Hotel here.
    2. The posh Fontainebleau Hilton Hotel is not liable for the garrote death of a Nevada mortgage banker who was killed there five years ago, a jury has found.
    3. At the EC summit in Fontainebleau in 1985, Mr Mauroy says proudly, 'We came to agreement.' Mr Mauroy sees Lille's new links to northern Europe as a vital means of giving the region new life.
    4. Before the finale swung into full force with a stream of stars in sparkling jewels and dresses filling the posh beachfront Fontainebleau, Ms. Taylor received $1.1 million from Celia Lipton Farris of Palm Beach.
    5. Centuries later the young Louis XIV spent his honeymoon there but he preferred to live in Fontainebleau and Versailles.
    6. 'You never see Elisabeth happy - except in the first act, at Fontainebleau.
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