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 Evans ['evənz]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.
  2. The engaged couple, Edward Evans and Gertrude Kennedy, put up the banns the other day.

[ noun ]
  1. United States anatomist who identified four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E (1882-1971)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. British archaeologist who excavated the palace of Knossos in Crete to find what he called Minoan civilization (1851-1941)

  4. <noun.person>

  1. Mr Evans Nicolas, the self-styled leader of the revived macoutes, said he and his faction were ready for 'civil war' to thwart the return of the president.
  2. Evans said shareholders "weren't treated fairly" initially in the deal, but added: "We still deny that there were any violations.
  3. Be sure to ask not only about regular call provisions but also about any special features that can trigger early calls, advises B. Daniel Evans, president of Fitch Investors Service Inc., a credit-rating company.
  4. As a result, says Mike Herrity, medical affairs manager at Evans Medical, part of Medeva, manufacturers are always chasing the disease.
  5. The winner of the primary will face independent candidate Alderman Timothy Evans and the Republican candidate chosen in the GOP primary in an April 4 special election to serve the two-year balance of the late Mayor Harold Washington's unfinished term.
  6. Evans and Jackson said the challenge would be to re-assemble the coalition that elected Washington.
  7. "Businesses apparently decided that the market crash would not affect them because they were depending on an export boom this year, not increased domestic demand," said Michael Evans, head of a Washington forecasting firm.
  8. Evans was on the road campaigning Wednesday night, and couldn't be reached immediately for comment on Cuomo's decision.
  9. Supporters of Alderman Tim Evans, expected to be one of Sawyer's chief mayoral challengers in the next election, have been seeking a 1989 election.
  10. Daniel J. Evans, a U.S. senator from Washington at the time, was in the audience.
  11. Evans granted a preliminary injunction requested by the advocacy group Legal Action of Wisconsin on behalf of six Milwaukee families whose AFDC benefits were cut by Learnfare.
  12. Senator Dan Evans decided to retire after serving only four years in the Senate.
  13. Mr Evans said those costs would be reduced by a further Pounds 1m this year. Gearing stood at 33 per cent at the end of the year. UPF was bought from the receivers to the collapsed Parkfield group in 1990, in a Pounds 30m management buy-out.
  14. Evans _ who gave a paper on his findings at the spring meeting here of the American Geophysical Union _ said the antarctic ozone hole may be causing a decrease in the level of ozone protecting the whole Southern Hemisphere.
  15. Evans, 45, is a Democratic South Side alderman who skipped the primary to run on the Harold Washington Party ticket.
  16. Some chains, like Evans, are starting to test new store formats, but the results are not yet quantifiable.
  17. The girl, whose identity was withheld, was struck in the chest last Wednesday by a large-caliber bullet that went through an exterior wall and then through her bedroom wall, said Sgt. J.D. Evans of the homicide squad.
  18. Evans said the Fed, under the direction of then-Fed Chairman Arthur Burns, eased too quickly and ended up allowing inflation from the oil shock to become embedded in the economy.
  19. "The Midwest will rise again," says Michael Evans, president of Washington-based Evans Economics.
  20. "The Midwest will rise again," says Michael Evans, president of Washington-based Evans Economics.
  21. At Simon & Schuster, Ms. Evans was president of the trade book division.
  22. "Finally someone came out," Evans said. "But she just stood there looking at my mother." Jones was taken into the emergency room a short while later, after family members and others in the waiting room placed her on a gurney, Evans said.
  23. "Finally someone came out," Evans said. "But she just stood there looking at my mother." Jones was taken into the emergency room a short while later, after family members and others in the waiting room placed her on a gurney, Evans said.
  24. But the chief executive Mr Dick Evans is still there, as is deputy chairman Mr Sydney Gillibrand - a lifelong aircraft man, steeped in BAe's defence and aerospace businesses.
  25. This campaign season, in a city known for its deep racial divisions, black voters who united behind Washington are being ardently courted by Sawyer and Evans.
  26. Few people apparently felt as kindly toward Mr. Evans's father, whom a U.S. congressman once called "the corporate embodiment of 'Jaws.'"
  27. Few opera-lovers today can recall opera before Geraint Evans.
  28. Board member Elease Evans said she voted against the resolution because she thought the evidence was insufficent.
  29. He said that a default by another company that owed money to Pope Evans pushed it into making the swap offer.
  30. The latest report of armed Cuban involvement in Panama surfaced in the United States earlier this week in a syndicated column by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak.
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