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 evaporate [ɪ'væpə`ret]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 蒸发, 失去水分, 消失

vt. 使蒸发, 使脱水, 使消失

[医] 蒸发

  1. The water soon evaporated in the sunshine.
  2. Heat evaporates water into steam.
  3. If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.


Evaporate \E*vap"o*rate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Evaporated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Evaporating}.] [L. evaporatus, p. p. of
evaporare; e out + vapor steam or vapor. See {Vapor}.]
1. To pass off in vapor, as a fluid; to escape and be
dissipated, either in visible vapor, or in particles too
minute to be visible.

2. To escape or pass off without effect; to be dissipated; to
be wasted, as, the spirit of a writer often evaporates in
the process of translation.

To give moderate liberty for griefs and discontents
to evaporate . . . is a safe way. --Bacon.

Evaporate \E*vap"o*rate\, v. t.
1. To convert from a liquid or solid state into vapor
(usually) by the agency of heat; to dissipate in vapor or

2. To expel moisture from (usually by means of artificial
heat), leaving the solid portion; to subject to
evaporation; as, to evaporate apples.

3. To give vent to; to dissipate. [R.]

My lord of Essex evaporated his thoughts in a
sonnet. --Sir. H.

{Evaporating surface} (Steam Boilers), that part of the
heating surface with which water is in contact.

Evaporate \E*vap"o*rate\, a. [L. evaporatus, p. p.]
Dispersed in vapors. --Thomson.

  1. A half-dozen other Japanese makers saw their U.S. sales practically evaporate when prices for some chips more than tripled overnight.
  2. Even before that visit, the Cubans knew their economic aid from the Soviet Union was starting to evaporate.
  3. Mr. Moore, for example, says that should the war drag on for months or turn into a bloody ground war, much of the enthusiasm now so evident will evaporate.
  4. Any chance he might have for a second term would almost certainly evaporate.
  5. Lower stock prices made the profitable business of underwriting new issues almost evaporate and hurt the firms when they traded shares for their own accounts.
  6. GM's move to expand its leasing business comes as industry experts predict that more consumers will lease, rather than buy, as car prices rise and the tax advantages that once offset the cost of financing a new vehicle evaporate.
  7. Dukakis aides were suggesting they expected to see much of Dukakis' double-digit lead over Bush in recent polls evaporate in the week of Republican exposure.
  8. University professors and consultants with scientific credentials saw a huge market for their services evaporate when price decontrol destroyed the energy crisis and thus the demand for "alternative energy."
  9. People who are worried that profits they have today will evaporate if they wait to sell have some wiggle room, says Gail Winawer, a tax partner at Spicer & Oppenheim in New York.
  10. However, it is evident that his interest in developing Denplan's potential did not evaporate when he sold the company. 'I have no financial reason to work but I have a lot of unfinished business with this company,' he says.
  11. The regulations set limits that will require oil refiners to reduce the volatility, or tendency to evaporate, of fuel to be sold from May 1 to Sept. 15.
  12. Water would either evaporate or freeze, said Johnson.
  13. By late August, Dukakis saw his lead in Massachusetts polls evaporate.
  14. With the exception of May, when expectations soared briefly only to evaporate, this month's figure is the best since June last year. The positive assessment of the economy apparently stems from brighter expectations about jobs.
  15. If widespread window dressing is occurring, then last week's rally and any upward move in prices this week could easily evaporate after the end of the quarter.
  16. By Labor Day, we'll know more about the Bush style." If the result is a protracted stalemate, an unsuccessful military mission or high loss of life, the president's support could evaporate quickly.
  17. Some of the acids will evaporate quickly and will drop back in if the saucepan is covered. If all is well with the vegetables and meat, the gravy will be good too.
  18. With no fewer than 19 elections looming next year at national, state and local level, they fear that the political will to take unpopular decisions will evaporate towards the end of the year.
  19. To conform to Shearson's pricing structure, that redemption charge would evaporate after five years.
  20. Most Iraqis still feel the U.S. won't dare to take them on, or that its resolve will evaporate when the first body bag is sent back.
  21. As with all economic fears, this too could evaporate.
  22. But chances for pressuring the Israeli government to accept Baker's Mideast peace plan evaporate as the the Iraqi attack strengthens Israel's political standing in the U.S.
  23. The latest reductions focus on highly paid investment bankers who handled the large mergers and takeovers of the 1980s but have seen their business evaporate.
  24. The recent corporate collapses of Maxwell and Polly Peck have illustrated how quickly the value of equity investments can evaporate. Fear is normally stronger than greed.
  25. But Mr Litherland said: 'The move out of recession is likely to evaporate their problems.
  26. Some advocates of restrictions warned that without them, political support for the NEA would evaporate and Congress could kill the agency entirely.
  27. The patches of oil remaining from the leak were too light to be skimmed from the water, but the sun and wind should evaporate most of the crude as it drifts out to sea, Morehead said.
  28. The sheen of gasoline left in the water posed a risk of explosion, but was expected to evaporate by nightfall, said Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Michael Robling.
  29. State environmental workers have been harrowing the sand to expose the oil to air so it can evaporate.
  30. The government's ability to borrow expired last Friday, and reserves are expected to evaporate in a week.
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