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 Edmunds 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Edmunds)人名;(英、西、葡)埃德蒙兹

  1. "In the current environment I would say that [the burst of late sales activity] is dramatically good news, " said David Tompkins, a senior analyst with Edmunds.com.
    “在当前环境下,我可以说最近的销售激增无疑是一个令人兴奋的好消息。” Edmunds.com的高级分析师大卫.汤普金斯表示。
  2. Again suggested by Paul Edmunds, the issue here is that while today I have a particular intention when browsing e.g. Amazon - tomorrow I might have a different intention.
    提出这个问题的仍然是Paul Edmunds,他认为问题在于:今天自己浏览amazon时是会有特定意图的,明天或许会有另一个特定意图。
  3. Jeremy Anwyl, chief executive of the auto research website Edmunds.com, agreed: "There's no reason for bondholders to accept this if they think they can get a better deal under bankruptcy."

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