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 EDO   添加此单词到默认生词本
Extended Data Output 扩充的数据总线

    [ noun ]
    1. a member of a west African people living in the tropical forest region of southern Nigeria

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the capital and largest city of Japan; the economic and cultural center of Japan

    4. <noun.location>

    1. EDO currently has about six million common shares outstanding.
    2. EDO "may be a good candidate" for an acquisition, leveraged buy-out or other transaction, the group said, adding that it may approach management or others to discuss ways to boost the value of EDO's shares.
    3. EDO "may be a good candidate" for an acquisition, leveraged buy-out or other transaction, the group said, adding that it may approach management or others to discuss ways to boost the value of EDO's shares.
    4. Some group members have met with investment bankers to discuss availability of financing for an acquisition of EDO, but no agreements have been reached, the filing said.
    5. EDO Corp. said it completed the sale of almost 90,000 preferred shares to its employee stock ownership plan for $19.2 million.
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