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 Donovans solution 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Donovan's life work is art usually seen at a great distance in a fleeting glance from a car window.
    2. To give but one example, it simply is not true, as Mr. Casey asserts, that "Donovan was soon disillusioned with the Nuremberg trials and quit."
    3. Without Donovan's vote or a switch by one of the "No" votes, death penalty advocates lack the 41 Senate votes needed to override a veto.
    4. Sen. James Donovan missed Monday's vote in the state Senate on legislation to restore capital punishment, a measure Democratic Gov. Mario Cuomo has promised to veto for the eighth straight year.
    5. "The best deterrence against a recurrence of this kind of accident is the expense and humiliation my client has already been subjected to," Ashland attorney Thomas Donovan said.
    6. John Philip Donovan, 18, of River Vale, N.J., was junior assistant scout master for a Boy Scout troop with learning and physically disabled scouts.
    7. The reason: clogged courts and skyrocketing legal costs, says Donovan Leisure partner John Wilkinson.
    8. O'Donovan served on Georgetown's board of directors during two periods, from 1971 to 1978 and from 1984 to the present.
    9. And there is the longstanding relationship between the exchange's Mr. Donovan and Rep. Rostenkowski, one of the most influential lawmakers in Washington.
    10. Police spokesman Mariani said Donovan had a veteran's identification card.
    11. James R. Donovan, the court's director of data systems, said the court "tentatively contemplates a one-to-three-year experiment, with the period of review based in part on the outside entity's investment.
    12. In an unrelated case last May, Mr. Donovan and seven associates were acquitted on New York state charges of participating in a scheme to defraud the New York City Transit Authority on a subway construction project.
    13. When asked for comment, Savage aide Donovan Dunkley replied, "I don't have anything to say about it," and hung up the phone.
    14. Others such as Ray Donovan and James Beggs were cleared by the courts of charges against them.
    15. Donovan and his lawyers say the legal fees and expenses are for the period March 1987 through October 1987 in connection with the probe by independent counsel Leon Silverman.
    16. Mr. Donovan's attorneys have said the defense of his company's executives has cost more than $13 million, as well as scores of millions more in lost business.
    17. Supreme Court Justice Brian O'Donovan rejected arguments from the defense that 37-year-old Jerry Richardson's desire to gain Mrs. Mandela's favor was a mitigating factor in the killing.
    18. Police Agent Thomas Riggs died during the shooting, and police Agent Donovan Jacobs and a civilian observer, Sarah Pina-Ruiz, were wounded.
    19. In May 1983, then-Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan tossed out the 1981 decision, saying the bank hadn't been allowed to present certain statistical studies.
    20. Chicago Mercantile Exchange officials have echoed Mr. Donovan's remarks.
    21. "There is no reason to believe the New York Stock Exchange would have performed any better if financial futures were regulated by the SEC," Mr. Donovan said.
    22. "The market is taking a deep breath before it starts to trade headlines next week in pre-OPEC posturing," said Richard Donovan, head of the international energy group at Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
    23. Donovan, 37, got laid off in April.
    24. George Donovan, a Berkeley truck driver, was on the upper deck in a tractor-trailer rig when the quake hit.
    25. Donovan said normal attrition should cover any jobs lost in the transaction.
    26. The machine apparently had not completed its last cycle and started up when Donovan pulled the door down.
    27. O'Donovan, a 1956 Georgetown graduate, now teaches at the Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass., and is a visiting fellow at Georgetown's Woodstock Theological Center.
    28. Donovan later was found innocent in New York court of larceny and fraud charges involving a construction company he co-owned.
    29. The ad, which ran Thursday, made no mention of Donovan's state pension.
    30. Former Labor Secretary Raymond J. Donovan, the first sitting cabinet member to be indicted, was acquitted of the larceny and fraud charges that forced him from office more than two years ago.
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