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 Dinosaurs 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Dinosaurs are monsters.
  2. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

  1. "Dinosaurs didn't go out with a bang, they went out with worldwide diarrhea," he said.
  2. But according to Bakker, dinosaurs became extinct because of worldwide diseases that turned into an "epidemiological nightmare." "Dinosaurs didn't go out with a bang, they went out with worldwide diarrhea," he said.
  3. Nearby, Knott's Berry Farm just opened a $7 million Kingdom of the Dinosaurs, where visitors travel through a pre-historic world inhabited by 21 animated figures, including a pterodactyl and a 15-foot tyrannosaurus rex.
  4. Dinosaurs act out the origin of the Earth to the strains of Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring." Fauns, centaurs and a drunken Bacchus populate Mount Olympus in Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony."
  5. CBS's premiere of the Redd Foxx comedy "The Royal Family," for example, unexpectedly edged out ABC's puppet-animated "Dinosaurs" in the Wednesday 8 p.m. time slot (though it still came in second to NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries").
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