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 dint [dɪnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 凹痕, 作用

vt. 打击出凹痕

  1. He succeeded by dint of hard work.
  2. Jack succeeded by dint of perseverance.
  3. He reached the top by dint of great effort.

[ noun ]
interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by means of'

Dint \Dint\, n. [OE. dint, dent, dunt, a blow, AS. dynt; akin to
Icel. dyntr a dint, dynta to dint, and perh. to L. fendere
(in composition). Cf. 1st {Dent}, {Defend}.]
1. A blow; a stroke. [Obs.] ``Mortal dint.'' --Milton. ``Like
thunder's dint.'' --Fairfax.

2. The mark left by a blow; an indentation or impression made
by violence; a dent. --Dryden.

Every dint a sword had beaten in it [the shield].

3. Force; power; -- esp. in the phrase by dint of.

Now you weep; and, I perceive, you feel
The dint of pity. --Shak.

It was by dint of passing strength
That he moved the massy stone at length. --Sir W.

Dint \Dint\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dinted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To make a mark or cavity on or in, by a blow or by pressure;
to dent. --Donne. Tennyson.

  1. Syria is the main power broker in Lebanon by dint of the 40,000 troops it has stationed there.
  2. He joined the PRI when he was 18 and rose through the ranks of the government bureaucracy by dint of party loyalty to become outgoing President Miguel de la Madrid's budget and planning secretary.
  3. The shopping system works by dint of a satellite dish and the diverse dynamics of 17 hosts who are relentlessly promoted as the "QVC family."
  4. He adds: "My parents always told us that with the advantages we would have, by dint of who we were, came a responsibility to do something.
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