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 Chile ['tʃili]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 智利

[化] 番椒; 辣椒

  1. Chile saltpeter.
  2. A unit of currency in Chile, Panama, and Uruguay.
  3. In this picture, Love is represented as a chile with a flower.

[ noun ]
  1. a republic in southern South America on the western slopes of the Andes on the south Pacific coast

  2. <noun.location>
  3. very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency

  4. <noun.food>

Chili \Chil"i\, n. [Sp. chili, chile.]
A kind of red pepper. See {Capsicum} [Written also {chilli}
and {chile}.]

  1. "Consumers definitely don't want any fruit from Chile and we don't offer any fruit from Chile.
  2. "Consumers definitely don't want any fruit from Chile and we don't offer any fruit from Chile.
  3. Chile's calamitous economic career since then has been accompanied by pleas from the Journal to give Gen.
  4. This could lead to labor unrest in Chile," Mr. Demler said.
  5. It began production in mid-1988 and produced 100,000 ounces of gold a year between 1989 and 1991 - a tenth of Chile's total output.
  6. In Citicorp's case, its debt-for-equity swap earlier this year left it with a 20% interest in a pulp mill being built in Nacimiento, a hillside town a few hundred miles south of Santiago, Chile's capital.
  7. The obstacle Chile faces in Washington is not protectionism, but indifference. An FTA with Chile would let Washington signal to the rest of Latin America that it supports democratic regimes with open economies.
  8. The obstacle Chile faces in Washington is not protectionism, but indifference. An FTA with Chile would let Washington signal to the rest of Latin America that it supports democratic regimes with open economies.
  9. Specifically Chile must conduct a plebiscite sometime during the next eight months to allow voters a chance to say "si" or "no" to eight more years of Pinochet rule.
  10. As they did in Chile and Argentina, these groups should be insisting on a full accounting.
  11. Chile, the United States, Argentina and Britain made a commitment to sign in the near future, the official said.
  12. Chile's mining, fishing, forestry and fruit industries - backbone of the export sector - have been criticised on environmental grounds.
  13. Latin America is Chile's most dynamic trading partner, especially in manufactured goods.
  14. Police suspect the attacks were meant to draw attention to some 40 political prisoners in Chile.
  15. However, the 1994 performance has been better than expected, buoyed by higher prices for Chile's principal export products, especially copper.
  16. He returned to Chile in 1986 after living for two decades in Spain, Britain and the United States.
  17. Kasten and his wife, Eva Jean, went to Santiago, Chile, at the expense of the U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America.
  18. Pope John Paul II expressed support for workers' calls for more jobs and higher pay during an outdoor Mass attended by more than 250,000 in Concepcion, Chile.
  19. Mr. Buchi probably deserves most credit for Chile's recovery.
  20. Presidential press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said Monday that Bush put off a scheduled Sept. 16-22 trip to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela.
  21. Allocated reserves for debt in less-developed countries, including Mexico, Brazil and Chile, will increase to about 30%.
  22. But not much has been said about the opposition's reluctance to acknowledge Chile's economic gains under Gen.
  23. Thousands of angry soccer fans waiving Chilean flags rallied before the Brazilian Embassy Sunday to protest a firecracker attack on Chile's goalie during a World Cup qualifying match in Rio de Janeiro.
  24. A Mormon spokesman said then that only a small number of Americans were among the church's more than 200 missionaries working throughout Chile.
  25. Aguililla said that with Palestinian help, Cuba has arranged for the transport of large quantities of Western-made weaponry to guerrilla groups in El Salvador, Guatemala and Chile and also provides training in Cuba for leftist African groups.
  26. The commission agreed without a vote that no further need existed for a special U.N. investigator on Chile now that the recently elected government of Patricio Alywin promised restoration of human rights.
  27. Average operating costs of these mines and Chile's Escondida, which opened at the end of 1990, are expected to be less than 45 cents a lb. This compares with average operating costs of more than 60 cents a lb in 1990.
  28. Leaders of Cuba, Chile, Haiti and Panama were not invited.
  29. Fruit exports have boomed in recent years, earning about $900 million annually for Chile, which as Latin America's fourth largest foreign debt.
  30. In a nationally broadcast address, Interior Minister Carlos Caceres vowed that Chile would remain "a dependable fruit supplier to the world." He called the contamination a case of communist sabotage. Communist Party spokesmen denied any involvement.
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