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 Chilean ['tʃɪlɪən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 智利人, 智利讲的西班牙语

a. 智利文化的, 智利人的, 智利的

[经] 智利的

  1. The Government rescinded his Chilean citizenship.
  2. The Battle of Papudo between Spain and a combined Peruvian-Chilean fleet.
  3. Chilean shrub bearing coral-red fruit with an edible seed resembling a hazelnut.

[ noun ]
  1. a native or inhabitant of Chile

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Chile or its people

  2. <adj.pert>
    Chilean volcanoes

Chilean \Chil"e*an\, a.
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Chile or its
inhabitants; as, Chilean volcanoes.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Chilean \Chil"e*an\, n.
A native or resident of Chile; Chilian.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

  1. The Chileans on the plane were Oscar Badilla, a government agricultural official; Sergio Lazcano, an excecutive of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association, and the pilot, Police Lt.
  2. Peru is also studying the Chilean model as it puts its own privatisation programme into gear.
  3. The 1976 murder of former Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier on a tree-lined traffic circle in Washington touched off a furor that strained U.S.-Chilean relations and sent two men to prison.
  4. A U.S. judge decided to release a former Chilean army major who admitted to lying to protect his superiors in the 1976 slaying of retired diplomat Orlando Letelier.
  5. 'Argentines have become more cost-conscious and more realistic,' one Chilean investor says. Perhaps the Chilean asset in widest demand is expertise.
  6. 'Argentines have become more cost-conscious and more realistic,' one Chilean investor says. Perhaps the Chilean asset in widest demand is expertise.
  7. Aided by a narrowing of premiums on forward deliveries and caution ahead of the expiry of US and Chilean labour contracts at the end of this month, the price broke overhead resistance at the equivalent of Dollars 1,850 a tonne in midweek.
  8. 'Such exceptional rates of growth are not sustainable over time,' says Mr Roberto Zahler, the bank's president. But shifting economic gear will require an important change in Chilean business culture.
  9. Thousands of angry soccer fans waiving Chilean flags rallied before the Brazilian Embassy Sunday to protest a firecracker attack on Chile's goalie during a World Cup qualifying match in Rio de Janeiro.
  10. Banks wishing to sell their Chilean central bank debt will then have until Oct. 31 to submit offers of prices at which they will sell their debt.
  11. The "agreement in principle" came Friday in a meeting between Chilean and U.S. officials in Washington, said acting Interior Minister Belisario Velasco.
  12. The Chilean Supreme Court rejected the U.S. extradition request in 1979, saying there was insufficient evidence that Contreras and Espinoza were involved in the assassination.
  13. A U.S. court indicted three Chilean army officers and secret police members, but the Chilean Supreme Court blocked extradition. Aylwin has promised to reopen the case with a special civilian prosecutor and to compensate the families.
  14. A U.S. court indicted three Chilean army officers and secret police members, but the Chilean Supreme Court blocked extradition. Aylwin has promised to reopen the case with a special civilian prosecutor and to compensate the families.
  15. Redman said he did not believe the Chilean government had responded to the U.S. demand for compensation.
  16. Also, the analyst noted, production problems being experienced by Codelco, the Chilean state-owned copper mining company, was a price-supporting factor.
  17. The procedure, called remission of sentence, is frequent in Chilean courts.
  18. It is expected to reduce Chile's oil import bill by cutting transport costs - ENAP now imports oil from Africa. The pipeline will also allow Argentina to ship oil to the Far East from Chilean ports on the Pacific Ocean.
  19. Even an economy as deregulated and privatized as the Chilean economy is still vulnerable to the whims of politicians.
  20. Consumers flocked to organic produce markets throughout California following reports of tainted Chilean grapes and unsafe apples.
  21. Workers at the Chilean El Salvador mine are going to vote Friday on the company's offer.
  22. But Friday in a telephone interview, Chilean navy Lt.
  23. Initial checks of Chilean fruit were made after embassies in Santiago received anonymous threats that fruit from the South American nation would be poisoned. The government attributed the calls to leftist terrorists.
  24. Chilean representatives protested the U.S. abstention, arguing that it violates the lending agency's charter to oppose a loan for political reasons.
  25. The founder of a secretive colony of West German immigrants denied during bedside questioning by a Chilean judge that the enclave had been used as a torture center, newspapers reported Sunday.
  26. FRANCISCO ERAZZURIZ _ From a prominent Chilean family that has produced several presidents, Errazuriz has dedicated most of his adult life to amassing wealth.
  27. While BCCI's repeated requests to open a branch in Chile were turned down in the early 1980s, associates of BCCI did enter the Chilean market.
  28. Stainless steel has become much less of a novelty in Chile over the past few years, and Chilean wine has an established market for inexpensive Cabernet Sauvignon in the US, UK and other parts of northern Europe.
  29. A man claiming to speak for the Chilean branch of the Palestine Liberation Organization claimed responsibility for the blast in a telephone call to a radio station.
  30. The Chilean government, which had bought the planes from the United States in 1976, was "up-front" and the Israelis acted quickly to stop an Israeli arms merchant from participating in the scheme, Redman said.
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