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 Buddhist ['bʊdɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 佛教徒

a. 佛教的

  1. She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc.
    她是坚定的马克思主义者、 佛教徒等.
  2. Buddhist priests shave their heads.
  3. A religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine.

[ noun ]
  1. one who follows the teachings of Buddha

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or supporting Buddhism

  2. <adj.pert>
    Buddhist sculpture

Buddhist \Bud"dhist\, n.
One who accepts the teachings of Buddhism.

Buddhist \Bud"dhist\, a.
Of or pertaining to Buddha, Buddhism, or the Buddhists.

  1. Burma's worst riots since democracy was overthrown 26 years ago have left at least 80 people dead this week, and unofficial reports said many victims were unarmed students and Buddhist monks.
  2. A restaurant owner recited a Buddhist prayer outside the palace and said: "Japan is not Japan without him.
  3. One year ago Saturday, about 2,000 Tibetans led by Buddhist monks burned a police station in Lhasa, capital of the Himalayan nation, and attacked police in the bloodiest uprising since an abortive bid for independence in 1959.
  4. Buddhist monks in Mandalay and other Burmese cities began a boycott of the army after soldiers put down a pro-democracy demonstration there on Aug. 8, reportedly killing four people, including two monks.
  5. Opposition leaders in Burma demanded the release of Buddhist monks, students and others arrested during a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations following Sunday's military coup.
  6. The protests began Sunday when 13 Buddhist monks and nuns started marching near the Jokhang Temple, a center of Tibetan Buddhism.
  7. Peruvian President-elect Alberto Fujimori knelt before his family's Buddhist altar Wednesday during a pilgrimage to his ancestral home that has brought promises of aid for his debt-ridden country.
  8. More than 400 hill tribe children _ Christian, Buddhist and animist _ live in a Morse-run hostel when they come down from their villages for schooling in this northern hub.
  9. Buddhist monks in Tibet in the past six months have led violent demonstrations against what they say is oppression by authorities in Beijing.
  10. White rice cakes and sake, a rice wine, are symbols of purity, often used as offerings in Shinto and Buddhist ceremonies. Japan's roots in rice farming are also given as a reason for its cultural differences with the west.
  11. In the past week alone, three Shinto shrines and one Buddhist temple associated with the imperial family were razed by fires believed set by radicals.
  12. The State Department accused the Burmese military Tuesday of "a total disregard for human rights" in the reported raids on Buddhist monasteries.
  13. As they gathered, three saffron-robed Cambodian Buddhist monks who had traveled from the United States, Canada and France filed into the palace to pray for success.
  14. Though 'devised' by the company (the usually accomplished Boilerhouse), the text is attributed to Barry Graham, an angry young Scottish writer, ex-boxer and Zen Buddhist.
  15. Under computer control, they revolve and broadcast Buddhist hymns.
  16. It is about 600 yards from the Buddhist temple Horyuji, built between 601 and 607 in the town of Ikaruga, 8 miles southwest of Nara.
  17. Their political wing, the United People's Party, charges that some tribespeople have been forcibly converted to Islam and that Moslem settlers are encouraged to marry Buddhist girls.
  18. The kingdom lasted less than 150 years but shaped many aspects of contemporary Thailand, including the Theravadda Buddhist religion. Thai script, notions of kingship and relatively egalitarian social relations were also developed.
  19. Burmese monks have been refusing to provide religious services for soldiers or their families, which in the Buddhist religion is the equivalent of excommunication.
  20. Tamils, who are mostly Hindus, say they are discriminated in jobs and education by the mainly Buddhist Sinhalese majority.
  21. Officials took the order issued by the National Assembly to the remote east coast Buddhist temple where Chun is living, but the former president refused it, risking prosecution.
  22. Chun's aides, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he will leave the 14th century Buddhist temple in the eastern mountains on Sunday.
  23. A Western diplomat said he had reports that students, Buddhist monks and others had taken over about 40 town governments because of continued strikes, demonstrations and defections of officials.
  24. A Buddhist ceremony was performed at Or's home.
  25. Authorities housed the refugees in a Buddhist temple, provided food and urged them to return, Niyom said.
  26. Tamils, who are predominantly Hindu and make up 18 percent of Sri Lanka's 16 million people, claim discrimination by the Sinhalese, most of whom are Buddhist.
  27. Others argued, however, that the wealth of the Silk Road belongs to all mankind and that an international effort, such as that initiated by the Getty Foundation for the Buddhist grottoes at Dunhuang, is needed to prevent its destruction.
  28. He was a vice chairman of the National People's Congress, China's legislature, as well as the highest-ranking Tibetan Buddhist monk in China.
  29. Major Jayasinghe said the victims were from the majority Buddhist Sinhalese and minority Moslem communities.
  30. Previous winners included 13 Christians, one Hindu and one Buddhist.
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