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 budding ['bʌdɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 萌芽的, 发育期的, 初露头角的

n. 发芽

[医] 出芽, 芽生

  1. The trees are budding early this year.
  2. A fungal spore produced by budding.
  3. The apple trees are budding.

[ noun ]
  1. reproduction of some unicellular organisms (such as yeasts) by growth and specialization followed by the separation by constriction of a part of the parent

  2. <noun.process>
[ adj ]
  1. beginning to develop

  2. <adj.all>
    a budding genius

Bud \Bud\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Budded}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a
bud does, into a flower or shoot.

2. To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner
of a bud, as a horn.

3. To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or
growth and promise; as, a budding virgin. --Shak.

Syn: To sprout; germinate; blossom.

Budding \Bud"ding\, n.
1. The act or process of producing buds.

2. (Biol.) A process of asexual reproduction, in which a new
organism or cell is formed by a protrusion of a portion of
the animal or vegetable organism, the bud thus formed
sometimes remaining attached to the parent stalk or cell,
at other times becoming free; gemmation. See {Hydroidea}.

3. The act or process of ingrafting one kind of plant upon
another stock by inserting a bud under the bark.

  1. Now enterprises and domestic banks are being urged to turn to the budding bond market for funds.
  2. And signs of weakness in the dollar, budding strength in some commodity prices and rising long-term rates reinforced the recent decision to tighten.
  3. Bright sunshine slanting through the budding trees gave a roseate glow to the white-columned Georgian brick buildings.
  4. Still, Mr. Barnett worries that today's budding entrepreneurs think glitzy marketing has more to do with success than good ideas.
  5. The band is working on a couple of recordings, one aimed at what they believe is a budding country-rock blend suited to their style.
  6. During the budding of detente in 1969, the Nixon administration lulled itself into believing that a favor granted to the Soviets would be reciprocated.
  7. A budding French-U.S. dispute over export controls took a new twist with allegations that an arm of France's third-largest bank is exporting Western technology illicitly to the Soviet Union.
  8. The elms Bush planted in South Dakota and Montana for those states' centennials last year are also budding.
  9. Though the trade bill probably won't survive a veto, its content provides clues to budding conflicts: one over intellectual property like patents, another over financial services offered in the U.S. by big Japanese securities firms.
  10. Victims of the conflict as well as the budding political opposition openly second-guess him, accusing Gorbachev of aggravating the problem with indecision.
  11. You may be a direct-mail marketer one day, a budding novelist the next, or simply "lost in the sauce" most of the time.
  12. Besides, budding media conglomerates are more likely to want programme copyrights than the right to run TV franchises. Granada may try to despatch LWT quickly by pitching in with a higher cash offer.
  13. But other budding derivatives have been killed when regulators couldn't agree on who's in charge.
  14. The Korean soprano Hei-Kjung Hong _ another budding Met star at age 29 _ had been scheduled to sing the opening performance.
  15. Well, they should have something to show for their work and they don't," said Smirnov, who worked as an ambulance driver before joining the budding cooperative movement two years ago.
  16. McCormack envisioned a program that would allow budding jazz musicians to play with and learn from some of the best in the business.
  17. The rebound squelched budding fears that Wednesday's sell-off might herald the beginning of a more serious correction.
  18. Jeffrey can find others to share his budding athletic interests.
  19. The agreements aim at strengthening budding economic ties between the two former adversaries.
  20. Instead, budding recoveries have repeatedly fizzled as sluggish world economic growth and burdensome supplies of metals, fiber, grains and other raw materials held prices down.
  21. Protectionist policies, such as an elaborate system of import licensing and controls over the spending of hard currencies, insulate its markets and budding industries.
  22. We would go off and steal apples and he would go home and study.' Superlopez, a fulsome biography just published, says he was reading at two and was a budding engineer at six.
  23. How the '86 Tax Law Stole Tycoon's Thunder TWO YEARS AGO, Gerald Guterman, a budding New York real-estate tycoon, seemed on the verge of becoming a glitzy symbol of success.
  24. Mr Pablo Yrrarazaval, chairman of the Santiago Stock Exchange, or Bolsa, believes it makes sense to allow Chile's budding multinationals to be quoted in Buenos Aires. Attracting Argentine companies to Santiago would also give the Bolsa more depth.
  25. And if the budding mogul is like thousands of others, he or she will sit down at a home computer and bat out a lengthy paean to that new product or service.
  26. In three cases, the report recommended motorists to drive on by. Yet budding beatniks be ready.
  27. Marty had been a math student and budding writer in Taiwan.
  28. With oil inventories in the Western world at high levels and demand starting to soften in the face of budding recession, prices started to come off their highs.
  29. Besides the budding recession, toy retailers are suffering from a bloody price war.
  30. Will the yuppie financier become the San Francisco Democrat of the day? Perhaps, but this budding movement against licentiousness has its weaknesses, and they are evident in Mr. Collier's book.
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