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 Billie   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. James McMullen shot his wife, Billie, to death, then turned the gun on himself Sunday night after a weekend of heavy rain.
    2. She has been compared with Western stars like Marlene Dietrich, Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf, and the late Egyptian singer Umm Kalthoum.
    3. The lion's owner, India Tucker, said her husband, Billie, shot the 3-year-old lion dead after the attack Friday evening.
    4. Did Lord Rees-Mogg see ITV's excellently acted and produced Firm Friends with Billie Whitelaw and Madhur Jaffrey, which treated all men as something that needed scraping off women's shoes?
    5. Billie Sol Estes, a confidant of Lyndon Johnson who went to prison for a fertilizer-tank scam in the 1960s, has filed for bankruptcy, claiming debts of $52 million and assets of just $150.
    6. He said she was the best voice he'd heard since Billie Holiday, who he had also produced.
    7. "It's supposed to be over there, on the far side of the sandbar," said Billie Ann Owen, who came down to look at the river with her husband and 2-year-old son.
    8. But like her good friend Billie Holiday, McRae's sound phrasing and time are so arresting that the lyrics take on connotations that the writer never had in mind. Also, there is the powerful undertow of Monk's music.
    9. They had it coming to them," said Billie Burns, who brought three children ages 4, 2 and 8 months from nearby Folcroft to the exhibition in the parking lot of the Spectrum sports arena.
    10. Billie was dead, but she had not gone away.
    11. "We were very pleased with the judge's verdict," said Bill Arnold, an attorney for Mrs. Railey's mother, Billie Jo Nicolai.
    12. Her Billie, the uneducated ex-chorus girl who makes good, is more than comic.
    13. "The crew is doing well and the orbiter continues to perform satisfactorily," Mission Control commentator Billie Deason said in the brief status report Thursday evening.
    14. "Workers are like canaries in the coal mines," says GAP attorney Billie Garde.
    15. Kanin's Washington fable is nearly indestructible, but it helps that Billie, one of the most endearing and enduring characters in modern American theater, is played by Madeline Kahn.
    16. He also played with singer Billie Holiday, trumpeter Sy Oliver, the Clark Terry Big Band and Doc Severinsen's Tonight Show band.
    17. "Billie was nervous; she's played better before," Cheney said of her foe.
    18. After a federal-court mistrial due to a hung jury, a state-court jury acquitted Chief Billie on a similar charge this month.
    19. Since then he has played with numerous bands, including George Lewis, Kid Howard and Billie and DeDe Pierce, and made records all over the world.
    20. Madeline Kahn loves the role of Billie Dawn in the Broadway revival of "Born Yesterday," but she lives with being compared to Judy Holiday, who created the role onstage in 1946 and later won an Oscar for the film.
    21. There follow the magisterial Coleman Hawkins; the vastly underrated trumpeter-vocalist Hot Lips Page ("Gee Baby Ain't I Good to You"); and Billie Holiday.
    22. At its first hearing, on Nov. 17, former FAA security director Billie H. Vincent told the panel that air security is "seriously deficient" in high-threat areas such as Europe and the Middle East.
    23. The song needed an advocate more than a singer; someone with a world view and a repertoire to amplify its outrage without being swallowed up in its evil imagery. Billie had brown skin but no ideology.
    24. One is Billie Carr, a veteran battler for women and minority groups who once showed up at a Texas state Democratic convention wearing shoes that, at the flip of a lever, converted into roller skates.
    25. "I wanted torch songs for Billie," writes her producer Milt Gabler in his liner notes to the GRP set.
    26. But he insisted the shooting of Billie Marie Redmon Phillips, his 29-year-old girlfriend, was really an accident.
    27. She went on to record fusion and pop music and in the mid-1970s took to the stage, winning hearts and prizes in The Wiz, Sophisticated Ladies and, famously, as Billie Holiday in the show Lady Day.
    28. This bright-eyed, white-faced toddler in her pink party dress stands in the spotlight of a sophisticated jazz genre defined by Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald.
    29. Railey's mother-in-law, Billie Jo Nicolai filed an amended suit Thursday asking the secretary of state to assist in notifying Railey of the suit.
    30. The alleged threats apparently came shortly before the Board of Aldermen on Friday voted 16-13 vote to strip Billie Boykins of her tax-collecting duties.
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