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 billing ['biliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 节目次序, 广告

[经] 开票(发票,帐单)

  1. He took his girlfriend home after the party and they stayed in the car billing and cooing for a long time before she went into her house.
  2. The bill was USD10, plus USD1 for postage.
  3. An extra 10% was added to the restaurant bill for service.

[ noun ]
request for payment of a debt
they submitted their charges at the end of each month

Bill \Bill\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Billed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To strike; to peck. [Obs.]

2. To join bills, as doves; to caress in fondness. ``As
pigeons bill.'' --Shak.

{To bill and coo}, to interchange caresses; -- said of doves;
also of demonstrative lovers. --Thackeray.

Billing \Bill"ing\, a. & n.
Caressing; kissing.

  1. He admits to lying to his own brother if he finds a good shoal, and it seems clear that the billing does not refer to him as a 'buccaneer' for nothing.
  2. An operator gets billing information and then sends the call over a line the AOS leases from one of the long-distance carriers, like AT&T or MCI Communications Corp.
  3. MCI said that without long-distance carriers' billing and collection services, adult 900 services will have to provide their own billing services through other arrangements, such as third-party billing services.
  4. MCI said that without long-distance carriers' billing and collection services, adult 900 services will have to provide their own billing services through other arrangements, such as third-party billing services.
  5. MCI said that without long-distance carriers' billing and collection services, adult 900 services will have to provide their own billing services through other arrangements, such as third-party billing services.
  6. Sometimes, in fact, Wall Street's most-quoted analyst doesn't even get top billing there.
  7. Corporate America continues to want the biggest law firm despite the necessity of billing in the fashion represented in the article.
  8. Robert Eicher, a principal with Foster Higgins, says he has seen some managed-care plans in which savings from negotiated discounts were wiped out when doctors started billing for additional services.
  9. In addition to the huge costs of building a nationwide fiber optic network, US Sprint has a history of billing problems that have cut into revenue.
  10. Some credit card and insurance companies have their billing statements done in the Caribbean.
  11. That's when a tip by an employee led bank auditors once again to review the administration department and discover a false billing scheme for bogus construction work.
  12. One of the terms was that he be given star billing at the Children's Zoo this summer and that suitable exhibit facilities be provided for a star of his magnitude," said Zoo Director Charles Wikenhauser.
  13. Your junk call will constitute your agreement to the reasonableness of my fee." This may sound as preposterous as billing a mosquito for biting you.
  14. He said it ran into billing problems because it hasn't received all the data it needs from Pacific Bell.
  15. Now, when Mr. Sonke calls relatives in Florida or Colorado, he bypasses German operators and billing with a new service called USADirect.
  16. Mrs. Hesse said the commission was "well aware of the controversy," but that allowing the billing method would "distort natural gas markets and thwart our efforts" to promote competition.
  17. The company has charged that Ms. DePierri, a social worker, defrauded its employee health plan by billing for treatment she was not qualified to provide.
  18. Stanford, one of the nation's pre-eminent research institutions, has been dogged for several months by allegations that it has been improperly billing the government for indirect research costs.
  19. You want to live forever?" My real gripe is with the book's publicity, which is billing Mr. Watson as "the man Fortune magazine called `the most successful capitalist in history.'"
  20. But she was convicted of evading more than $1.2 million in federal taxes between 1983 and 1985 by billing personal expenses through the Helmsley business.
  21. In general, it concluded the department's computer system aimed at singling out plants for inspection on the basis of their health risk had not lived up to its billing.
  22. Defense lawyers cross-examining Mr. Wilczynski homed in on his practice of billing both the pharmacy board and Lane Drug for travel expenses.
  23. Ameritech and Bell Atlantic overcharged some phone customers because of billing software glitches.
  24. Sprint has suffered from billing problems and numerous marketing foulups in the last few years.
  25. She also made a point of living up to her advance billing by supporters as a tough negotiator.
  26. The magazine doesn't plan to alter its red border cover design or logo, but it will enhance the billing for secondary stories on the cover.
  27. "The billing rates rise to cover it."
  28. Foreign policy dominates the presidency of George Bush, while domestic issues usually get second billing.
  29. BRITISH Gas will change the measure of gas it uses for customer billing to kilowatt hours next month in harmony with the rest of Europe.
  30. Mr. Miller's message should be directed not just to the private bar but to those who believe in a slavish adherence to a billing system that by its very nature fosters the abuses he highlights.
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