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 Aldridge   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. However, Aldridge's goal means Ireland at present share first place with Mexico: both have scored twice while Italy and Norway have scored once each. In the 44`C sauna of the Citrus Bowl, Ireland waxed and waned.
    2. Richard B. Aldridge, 42, formerly executive vice president, was named president and chief operating officer, succeeding Mr. McTavish.
    3. Bush also intends to nominate former Air Force Secretary Edward C. Aldridge Jr., to the president's national security telecommunications advisory committee, and Paul F. Oreffice to the advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.
    4. The pricetag has grown from $36.6 billion to $42.5 billion in fiscal 1981 dollars _ an increase of about 16 percent, Aldridge said.
    5. Aldridge said course content would be coordinated and subjects offered over three or four years instead of just one year, which would lead to a more integrated high school science education.
    6. "Wolf told me that he typed the two Magill extortion letters, and later called the judge and attempted to gain money from the judge," Aldridge's affidavit said.
    7. Air Force Secretary Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge Jr. announced his resignation on Wednesday, saying he would step down in December to assume a job in private industry.
    8. Aldridge had been pressured by two senators, several advocates for the disabled and an organization of amputee athletes pushing for Korslund, who would have been in his sophomore year this fall.
    9. In a company statement, Hogan said Mr. Aldridge left "to pursue other interests," but company sources indicated that Mr. Fiedler stepped in because he was dissatisfied with the company's performance under Mr. Aldridge.
    10. In a company statement, Hogan said Mr. Aldridge left "to pursue other interests," but company sources indicated that Mr. Fiedler stepped in because he was dissatisfied with the company's performance under Mr. Aldridge.
    11. Air Force Secretary Edward C. Aldridge plans to resign next month to become president of a soon-to-be formed McDonnell Douglas Corp. unit.
    12. Air Force Secretary Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge Jr. cut short a visit to Moscow on Tuesday because his father died in Houston, Texas, the Pentagon announced.
    13. "He ate his hamburger, he ate his potatoes, but he spread his peas all over the plate," Mr. Aldridge recalls.
    14. Congress must authorize and appropriate money for production, and the figures assume it will do so at the pace the Air Force proposes. Aldridge said a stretchout of production would boost the per-plane cost by 20 percent or more.
    15. The actual production cost amounts to $305 million per plane, Aldridge said.
    16. A friend, the Rev. Dan Aldridge, said Quinn was despondent over the deaths of his father, Longworth M. Quinn, last year and of a girlfriend who jumped to her death from an apartment building in 1984.
    17. Expressed in terms of the original estimate, the price tag has grown from $36.6 billion to $42.5 billion in fiscal 1981 dollars _ an increase of about 16 percent, Aldridge said.
    18. Mr. Aldridge couldn't be reached for comment.
    19. Air Force Secretary Edward C. Aldridge will visit space and military facilities in the Soviet Union early next month at the invitation of Russia's defense minister, the Pentagon said Wednesday.
    20. A Pentagon rule calls for "disenrollment" of any service academy cadet who loses all or part of a limb, and Air Force Secretary Edward C. Aldridge approved that action Friday for Cadet Third Class Dan Korslund.
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