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 ale [el]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 麦芽酒

[医] 麦芽酒

  1. Would you like a cup of ale?
  2. Adam's ale is the best brew.
  3. A serving wench brought us our ale.

[ noun ]
a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume

Ale \Ale\ ([=a]l), n. [AS. ealu, akin to Icel., Sw., and Dan.
["o]l, Lith. alus a kind of beer, OSlav. ol[u^] beer. Cf. Ir.
ol drink, drinking.]
1. An intoxicating liquor made from an infusion of malt by
fermentation and the addition of a bitter, usually hops.

Note: The word ale, in England and the United States, usually
designates a heavier kind of fermented liquor, and the
word beer a lighter kind. The word beer is also in
common use as the generic name for all malt liquors.

2. A festival in English country places, so called from the
liquor drunk. ``At wakes and ales.'' --B. Jonson.``On
ember eves and holy ales.'' --Shak.

Beer \Beer\, n. [OE. beor, ber, AS. be['o]r; akin to Fries.
biar, Icel. bj?rr, OHG. bior, D. & G. bier, and possibly E.
brew. [root]93, See {Brew}.]
1. A fermented liquor made from any malted grain, but
commonly from barley malt, with hops or some other
substance to impart a bitter flavor.

Note: Beer has different names, as {small beer}, {ale},
{porter}, {brown stout}, {lager beer}, according to its
strength, or other qualities. See {Ale}.

2. A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of
various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc.

{Small beer}, weak beer; (fig.) insignificant matters. ``To
suckle fools, and chronicle small beer.'' --Shak.

  1. Its success is based on an increasing thirst for Bass ale in the US and Spain, and Tennent's lager in Italy. Scotch whisky was the mainstay of the international spirits groups' performance.
  2. At the same time C4 repeats the episode of Inspector Morse in which the Jag driving ale enthusiast investigates the death of a deaconess. BBC1's Inside Story penetrates the murky world of prostitution in the Paddington area of London (9.30).
  3. Down went a nutty German-style ale and a malty, golden Pilsener, and down went several other brews that will never be found at your neighborhood tavern.
  4. He turned the business into a million-dollar company, in part because he was able to market tincture of ginger, sometimes used to give an alcoholic kick to ginger ale during Prohibition.
  5. They feasted on shrimp, beef and salmon canapes and iced bottles of Canadian ale while kilted bagpipers and a military band from Ottawa performed on the courtyard outside.
  6. The small-is-beautiful fraternity of ale fanatics had a bitter surprise at the Great British Beer Festival.
  7. He embraced O'Connor, who kidded him, "You're all over the papers" _ a reference to a photograph of Koch pouring a pint of ale in a Dublin pub.
  8. It will also distribute the leading Courage ale, John Smith's Bitter, in the Midlands and north-west.
  9. NO-ALCOHOL BEER taps a small but growing market segment. Quaffed by consumers monitoring their sobriety and their calories, non-alcoholic ale sales inch ahead to 1% of the $17 billion beer market in 1990, says Jerry Steinman of Beer Marketer's Insights.
  10. Volume sales grew 3 per cent against an overall market decline of 1 per cent. Boddington bitter led the advance with a 30 per cent increase in volume to become the best-selling ale brand in the take-home market.
  11. Ester Edri, who runs a struggling beauty salon in Ma'ale Efrayim, near the Jordan River, says some settlers are barely hanging on, hoping they'll be evicted so they can get government compensation.
  12. BRITAIN is fast rediscovering a taste for real ale.
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