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 African-american 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. But because she is an African-American woman, her importance to and impact on her times transcend the literary.
  2. African-American men are, on average, less likely to be tested for cancers, like prostate, that are suceptable to early cures.
  3. President Bush says Congress should finish work on a 25-year extension of provisions of the Voting Rights Act, which was first passed in 1965 to protect African-American voters in the South.

[ noun ]
  1. an American whose ancestors were born in Africa

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry

  2. <adj.all>
    Afro-American culture
    many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American

Hyphenated American \Hyphenated American\
An American who is referred to by a hyphenated term with the
first word indicating an origin in a foreign country, and the
second term being ``American'', as {Irish-American},
{Italian-American}, {African-American}, {Asian-American}.
Used in reference to Americans of foreign birth or ancestry.
When used of Americans of European ancestry, it is often used
to refer to those who have a strong attachment to the
ancestral country or its culture. It implies that the
individual is imperfectly assimilated into American culture,
and is sometimes used derogatively.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Negro \Ne"gro\ (n[=e]"gr[-o]), n.; pl. {Negroes}
(n[=e]"gr[=o]z). [Sp. or Pg. negro, fr. negro black, L.
niger; perh. akin to E. night.]
A black man; especially, one of a race of black or very dark
persons who inhabit the greater part of tropical Africa, and
are distinguished by crisped or curly hair, flat noses, and
thick protruding lips; also, any black person of unmixed
African blood, wherever found.

2. A person of dark skin color descended at least in part
from African negroes; in the United States, an
{African-American}. [U.S. usage, sometimes considered

African-American \African-American\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of
African ancestry or their history or culture

Syn: Afro-American
[WordNet 1.5]

African-American \African-American\ n.
1. 1 an American whose ancestors were born in Africa,
especially a United States citizen of African descent.

Syn: Afro-American, African, black, negro
[WordNet 1.5]

African \Af"ri*can\, a. [L. Africus, Africanus, fr. Afer
Of or pertaining to Africa.

{African hemp}, a fiber prepared from the leaves of the
{Sanseviera Guineensis}, a plant found in Africa and

{African marigold}, a tropical American plant ({Tagetes

{African oak} or {African teak}, a timber furnished by
{Oldfieldia Africana}, used in ship building.

{African violet} .

{African-American}, see {African-American}.

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