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 Afro-American ['æfrəuə'merikən添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 美国黑人

  1. Gutman." Persistent Myths about the Afro-American Family." in Hutter, pp.459-479.
  2. Only the Native American can lay claim to equality in suffering with the Afro-American in this nation.
  3. Sudarkasa." Interpreting the African Heritage in Afro-American Family Organization." in Hutter, pp.30-40.

[ noun ]
  1. an American whose ancestors were born in Africa

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry

  2. <adj.all>
    Afro-American culture
    many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American

Afro-American \Afro-American\ n.
1. an American whose ancestors were born in Africa.

Syn: African-American, African.
[WordNet 1.5]

Afro-American \Afro-American\ adj.
1. 1 of or pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of
African ancestry or their history or culture.

Syn: African-American.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. After this confrontation, the school's Afro-American Society posted notices calling for a rally to support Mr. Cole.
  2. A variation, Afro-American, has a long history as a respectable term for blacks.
  3. Julianne Malveaux, columnist and teacher of Afro-American studies at Berkeley, tells the audience that the attack on PC is "the white males' last gasp."
  4. Drake, who had suffered two strokes this year, founded the African and Afro-American Studies program at Stanford.
  5. Belinda Tucker, acting director of the Center for Afro-American Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles, said sociological projections indicate 30 percent of black women born in the early 1950s will never marry.
  6. She also said he agreed to meet two student demands _ to allow them to wear African medallions to class and to offer Afro-American history classes.
  7. Second, Gettysburg pointedly chose not to name it an "Afro-American Center" or "Black Student Center," as many colleges have.
  8. The University of Massachusetts' top administrator has asked the faculty senate to investigate allegations that a black professor was ousted from the Afro-American studies department for his views.
  9. During halftime of DePauw's homecoming football game Saturday, members of the Association of Afro-American Students held a silent march carrying signs protesting the party in front of students and alumi.
  10. A lot of people interested in Afro-American history use them and a few military historians are interested in them because the military was running the project," Thorne said.
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