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 绝对听觉 添加此单词到默认生词本
absolute hearing

  1. 全文着重论述了绝对听觉能力的必要性、培养条件及科学训练方法三个方面的内容。
    This paper dwells on the necessity of the ability, cultivating conditions and scientific training methods.
  2. 中央区左右半球比较:听觉脑干反应绝对潜伏期及绝对波幅在中央C4和C3区域差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。
    No significant differences were found in the C4 and C3 regions between the left and right cerebral hemisphere(P > 0.05).
  3. 绝对听觉能力对学习音乐的人来讲是一项专业性很强的技能,除极少数人具有天生的这种能力外,大多数人都需要后天的训练与培训。
    The ability of absolute hearing is essential for a music-major learner, but very few people are born with the ability, and the most of the music learners have to acquire it through special training.

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