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 粉末粒度 [fěn mò lì dù添加此单词到默认生词本
powder size

  1. 通过试验对取样量、研磨时间、粉末粒度、称样量、压力、保持时间、光洁度等进行了研究。
    It was studied that sampling weight, grinding time, powder size, weight, pressure force, retention time and smooth finish by the experiment.
  2. 试验测定了机械合金化过程中能量消耗及粉末粒度、形态与工艺条件的关系。
    Relations between energy consumption and particle sizes and morphology of powder and technological conditions have been determined by testing.
  3. 研究表明,用水浮选法分析高温合金粉末中的陶瓷夹杂含量,其方法是可行的,而且适用于分析各种不同粉末粒度和形状的合金粉末
    The study proved that is quite adequate for the analysis of ceramic inclusions in superalloy powders, which can vary either in size or in morphology.

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