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 粉末锻造 添加此单词到默认生词本
powder metal forging

  1. 围绕粉未烧结体锻造变形的特点,讨论了粉末锻造模具设计的若干问题,并对一些粉末锻造模具进行了分析。
    Some problems of design for powder hot forging die have been discussed around the characteristics of forging deformation of powder preforms.
  2. 根据国内外粉末锻造的现状,提出了发展我国粉末锻造的几点设想。
    Some tentative ideas of developing powder forging in our country have been given according to the present status of powder forging both at home and abroad.
  3. 为了改进经济性与近终形(NNS)成形性,开发了无包套粉末挤压工艺与精压式粉末锻造工艺。
    For improved economics and NNS (Near Net Shape) formability, encapsulation-free Powder Extrusion process and coining type Powder Forging process were developed.

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