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 砂涌 [shā yǒng添加此单词到默认生词本
[水文] blowout
sand boil

  1. 试验表明,粘粒含量少的粉土、粗、砾较易发生水
    The results show that the silt, coarse sand and gravel with small amount of clay are easier to quicksand.
  2. 桩基是土木工程各种施工中常见的地基处理方法,但桩基施工最怕出现不良地质,尤其是
    The pile foundation is a method of disposing the foundation, it is unfavorable to encounter sand flow in the pile foundation.
  3. 广州新电视塔地下室车道层透水性差,在土方开挖中遇到流水等现象。
    Sand layers under basement lane of Guangzhou New TV Tower have poor permeability, and quicksand and water gush during excavation.

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