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 砂瓦 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] grinding segment

  1. 轮轴使用长5动压轴承,由交流电机驱动。
    Grinding wheel shaft, which is driven by AC motor, uses self-acting bearing.
  2. 我们的罗托鲁温泉产品包括肥皂,身体鞭,盐磨,沐浴露和放松矿泉浴及足部水疗补品。
    Our range of Rotorua Spa products includes Soap, Body Whip, Salt Scrub, Shower Gel and a relaxing mineral bath and foot spa tonic.
  3. 提出了合理选择立轴平面磨削方式的依据,以利于提高磨削效率,降低砂瓦磨损。
    Some propositions are given for reasonable selection of grinding ways in order to extend grinding efficiency and reduce abrasive segment wear.

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