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 真空汞 [zhēn kōng gǒng添加此单词到默认生词本
vacuum pump

  1. 真空干燥器是一种在对比压强不超过20毫米柱下或某一论文指定压强下维持低湿度大气压的设备。
    A "vacuum Desiccator "is one that maintains the low-moisture atmosphere at a reduced pressure of not more than 20 mm of mercury or at the pressure designated in the individual monograph.
  2. 这名患者佩戴了一个对乳房加以轻微真空压力(平均在20.4毫米/注)的负压系统,并且平均每天持续10.6个小时的佩戴,一共超过10周的疗程。
    The patient wore a brassiere-like system that applied a mild (average 20.4 mm Hg) vacuum distraction force to each breast for 10.6 hours/ day over a 10-week period.

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