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 真空熔炼 添加此单词到默认生词本
[冶] vacuum melting
vacuum refining

  1. 本管材是经过真空熔炼而制成的。
    Our tubes are produced through the process of vacuum smelting.
  2. 因此,真空熔炼及电子束熔炼作为冶金法的重要环节有着广泛的应用。
    Therefore, as important processes of metallurgical method, vacuum refining and electron beam refining have been widely applied.
  3. 如果合金本身对氧非常敏感,则不仅在雾化时要采取措施,在熔化时最好也采用真空熔炼
    If the alloy is in itself sensitive to the oxygen, then not only in atomization time must take the measure, when melting should better also use the vacuum melting.

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