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 白土层 [bái tǔ céng添加此单词到默认生词本
[地质] albic horizon

  1. 社会学家分析,玉状的白土层,反映了古人对财富的眷恋;
    Sociologist, jade-like layer of white, reflecting the wealth of ancient attachment;
  2. 墓口外的白土层(除墓口和墓道外),从空中俯瞰,犹如一个中间镂空的庞大的圆形玉璧,气势十分壮观。
    Tomb of the extraoral white soil (in addition to the tomb and I Mudao), bird's eye view from the air, like a huge cut in the middle of the round Yubi, momentum is very spectacular.
  3. 为便于以后的科学研究,在墓坑两面的侧壁各保留一块原始墓壁,包括封土的五色土和白土层,用玻璃器皿密封。
    In order to facilitate future research, the two sides of the wall in grave reservations about the original piece of Mubi, including Feng Tu of the white and colored soil layers, with sealed glass.

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