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 白堤 [bái dī添加此单词到默认生词本
Bai Causeway

  1. 这会儿正是在白堤、苏堤上慢跑的好时候。
    It is a good time to jog on the Bai Causeway and Su Causeway.
  2. 它坐落在由西往东穿越于西湖的白堤上。
    It is situated on Bai Causeway that runs across the Lake from west to east.
  3. 这块水泥台地位于白堤的西端,三面环水,是传统的观赏西湖的地点之一,尤其在满月的秋夜。
    Located at the west end of Bai Causeway, this cement terrace bounded by water on three sides is one of the traditional places to view the West Lake, especially on an autumn night with a full moon.

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