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 瑞典语 添加此单词到默认生词本
swedish language

  1. 但与其花时间学瑞典语或者微积分,我们经常还是选择把时间用在老一套的事情上。
    But instead of using the time to master Swedish or calculus, we often choose to devote it to the utterly banal.
  2. 她从口袋里掏出了一张剪报让我看,我不认识瑞典语,但是她告诉我那全是因为比尔·克林顿在这吃过饭。
    And she took out a newspaper clipping out of her pocket. I can’t read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Clinton eating here.
  3. 这个很文气 的名字在瑞典语中的意思是“速度训练”,这也是我最喜欢的速度训练之一。
    The funny name literally means “speed play” in Swedish, and it’s one of my favorite “speed” workouts.

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