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 瑞利公式 添加此单词到默认生词本
Rayleigh's equation

  1. 基于瑞利衍射积分公式,推导出非傍轴离轴高斯光束相干合成和非相干合成在自由空间中传输的解析公式
    Starting from the Collins formula, the properties of the off-axis Gaussian beam (OAGB) propagating through a paraxial ABCD optical system with an aperture are studied in detail.
  2. 方法基于矢量瑞利-索末菲衍射积分公式,研究矢量椭圆高斯光束三孔衍射的光强分布。
    Methods—Based on vector Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction integrals, the light intensity distribution of the elliptical vectorial Gaussian beams diffracted at a tri-rectangular aperture is studied.
  3. 在信号过程线性的前提下,根据强度象的瑞利判据建议扫描激光雷达角分辨本领公式
    With the premise of linearizing for the signal process, an equation for the angular resolution of the scanning laser radar is recommended according to the Rayleigh′s criterion for the intensity image.

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