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 汽车试验 添加此单词到默认生词本
[车辆] automobile test

  1. 小规模无人驾驶汽车试验已经进行了有些时日了。
    Smaller scale experiments have been going on for some time.
  2. 本文探讨了用较简单的汽车试验数据来辨识汽车转向运动数学模型参数的方法。
    In this paper, the method for identifying the parameters of mathematical model of vehicle steering motion upon the simple vehicle test da-ta have been investigated.
  3. 亨利·福特一边做着汽车试验,一边为托马斯·爱迪生工作,后来他离开了爱迪生的公司,建立了自己的第一个汽车公司,即底特律汽车公司,不过两年后这家公司就破产了。
    Henry Ford experimented with cars while working for Thomas Edison, and left to found his first auto company, the Detroit Automobile Company, which went bankrupt in just two years.

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