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 旁征博引 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。
    He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations, laced with classical allusions.
  2. 历史系旁征博引:自古以来就有洋为中用,我们现在只是借用洋发色微微一用,心仍然是爱国心的。
    The history fasten a side to advertise for Bo to lead: From time immemorial there is ocean for convenient, we now just use ocean hair color tiny on use, the heart be still a patriotism.
  3. 最直接的表现就是:京城楼市庞大的市场容量中,旁征博引,励精图治者有之,跟风冒进,仓促应付者也有之。
    The most direct expression is : capital market huge market capacity, substantial, good persons, the follow the trend of rash, hasty who have to cope with it.

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