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 施政纲领 添加此单词到默认生词本
administrative program

  1. 在拉丁美洲,一些政治家近年来以民粹主义 (有时是社会主义)的施政纲领而当选。
    In Latin America, a number of politicians have been elected in recent years based on populist and, in some cases, socialist platforms.
  2. 例如,软性捐款可用在宣扬党的施政纲领的电视广告上,但是这个广告却不能点侯选人的名,要求电视观众投票选举他。
    For instance, soft money can be used for TV ads advocating the party platform but cannot ask viewers to vote for any candidate by name.
  3. 奥巴马的施政纲领已经概括地论及在线教育,将其列为作为大教育计划的一环去帮助美国在2020年成为世界上公民受大学教育率最高的国家。
    The Obama administration has talked in general terms about online education as part of a grand plan to give the US the highest proportion of college-educated citizens in the world by 2020.

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